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Public company info - Kingland Group Holdings Limited , 01751.HK

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Kingland Group Holdings Limited, 01751.HK - Company Profile
Chairman CHEUNG Shek On
Share Issued (share) 672,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.01
Industry Construction & Decoration
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The group is an established subcontractor engaged in concrete demolition works in Hong Kong and Macau. The group’s services are mainly required in the removal of pieces or sections of concrete from concrete structures and the demolition of the entire concrete structures or buildings by applying a variety of methods, such as core drilling, sawing and crushing. Performance for the year: For the Financial Year 2019, the Group’s revenue decreased by approximately HK$46.5 million to approximately HK$100.9 million, compared with approximately HK$147.4 million for the year ended 31 December 2018 (the “Financial Year 2018”). The Group recorded a net loss of approximately HK$24.7 million in the Financial Year 2019 compared to the net profit of HK$20.2 million in the Financial Year 2018. Business Review The Group’s principal activity is the provision of concrete demolition service in Hong Kong and Macau mainly as a subcontractor. Our services are mainly required in the removal of pieces or sections of concrete from concrete structures and the demolition of the entire concrete structures or buildings by applying a variety of methods, such as core drilling, sawing and crushing. Our services are required in many different situations including, among others, addition and alteration works and redevelopment projects in buildings, roads, tunnels and underground facilities. The group has been operating in the concrete demolition industry in Hong Kong since 1985. We have also been providing concrete demolition services in Macau since 2006. We are a registered subcontractor for general demolition and others (concrete coring and saw cutting) works under the Subcontractor Registration Scheme of the Construction Industry Council and a Registered Minor Works Contractor at the Buildings Department. In general, our customers are main contractors in various types of construction and civil engineering projects in Hong Kong and construction projects in Macau. We undertake jobs in both public and private sectors. Public sector jobs refer to jobs which the main contractors are employed by the Hong Kong Government, the Macau Government or their respective related organisations or corporations, while private sector jobs refer to jobs that are not public sector jobs. Prospects: Looking forward, the Directors anticipate 2020 will be a challenging year. The recent outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may cause uncertainty to the construction industry in Hong Kong and Macau. However, according to the 2020–2021 Budget of the Hong Kong Government, the annual capital works expenditure is expected to reach HK$100 billion on average in the next few years. The Directors remain cautiously optimistic about the construction industry in Hong Kong and Macau and believe that the availability of private and public sector construction projects is expected to grow in the coming years, and with our experienced management team and reputation in the market, we can further strengthen our position as an established concrete demolition service provider.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies

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