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<01579.HK> - Yihai International Holding Ltd.

 Basic Datum
Company name Lot P/E P/B EPS DPS
YIHAI INTL 1000 12.93 2.2495 0.9592 0.8112
Profile Information Data Financial Ratios Profit Loss Cash Flow Balance Earnings Dividend
 Company Rating
Date Broker Company name Rating Target
04-02 G.Sachs  YIHAI INTL 買入16.2
03-29   YIHAI INTL 買入
03-27 UBS  YIHAI INTL 中性14
03-27 UBS  YIHAI INTL 持平14
03-05 Morgan  YIHAI INTL 與大市同步11.7
 Company performance - Published
Date Company name Turnover* Profit* % Dividend
2020-03-06 頤海(1579)向海底撈(6862)提供火鍋調味料產品,無可避免受到疫情的嚴重打擊;不過,公司通過經銷商、電商、餐飲客戶等第三方渠道,拓展全國銷售渠道,銷售火鍋調味料、中式複合調味料和方便速食拓展零售市場,可望受惠疫情促使更多消費者在家飲食,並抵消餐飲市場不振的負面影響。頤海昨天破頂創上市新高最強。
 Top Gain / Loss Show All Charts 
Name Updated Value Change Change %
YIHAI INTL 05-08 10:40 16.96  16.96  ∞%

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