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<00070.HK> - Rich Goldman Holdings Limited

 Basic Datum
Company name Lot P/E P/B EPS DPS
RICH GOLDMAN 10000 -8.04 0.0783 -0.0056 0.0
Profile Information Data Financial Ratios Profit Loss Cash Flow Balance Earnings Dividend
 Company Rating
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 Company performance - Published
Date Company name Turnover* Profit* % Dividend
2014-03-10 海王集團(070)今年(6月年結)上半年總收益3.51億元,按年上升23.3%,盈利1.76億元,跌0.3%。往績PE4.2倍,以最新NAV計的PB僅0.68倍,遠低於實德及英皇娛樂。以過去12個月盈利計,PE僅為4.7倍,遠低於實德環球(487)及英皇娛樂(296)。
2014-03-10 海王集團(070)為三四線濠賭股,經營澳門博彩中介人業務,涵蓋威尼斯人、金沙及新葡京等賭場。截至去年12月的5年半,共賺10.57億元,從未派息,保留盈利10.57億元,相等於公司市值13.6億元的78%。
 Top Gain / Loss Show All Charts 
Name Updated Value Change Change %
RICH GOLDMAN 05-07 15:38 0.04  0.04  ∞%

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