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Public company info - Winox Holdings Limited , 06838.HK

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Winox Holdings Limited, 06838.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Yiu Hon Ming
Share Issued (share) 500,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.1
Industry Accessories & Leather Goods
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The Group is principally engaged in the development and manufacturing of stainless steel products such as watch bracelets, mobile phone cases and parts, smart wearable cases and parts, and fashion accessories. Performance for the year: Revenue of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2019 increased to yet another record level of HK$1,210,334,000 (2018: HK$1,128,653,000), representing an increase of 7.2% as compared to last year. Profit for the year and basic earnings per share decreased to HK$138,396,000 (2018: HK$154,126,000) and HK27.7 cents (2018: HK30.8 cents) respectively, representing a decrease of 10.2% and 10.1% as compared to last year. Business Review The principal focus of the Company remains on the development and manufacture of premium stainless steel products, and our major business segments are, namely, watch bracelets, mobile phone cases and parts, smart wearable cases and parts, and fashion accessories. In order to provide better revenue analysis by product, the segments of costume jewellery and accessories and parts for leather goods were combined this year as fashion accessories. We are glad that the Group has successfully expanded into the smart wearables products which is a fast growing consumer electronics sector that the world’s major smartphone and high-tech companies are striving for market shares. The main products that we producing are cases and parts for smart wearables especially for smartwatch. The mass production was started in the second half of 2019 and the sales for the year ended 31 December 2019 had already reached HK$156,719,000. On the other hand, we are also pleased to inform that the demand for our mobile phone cases and parts was continuously to grow satisfactorily for the year. The demand for our watch bracelets was adversely affected by the sluggish market. The sales for fashion accessories has achieved a growth for the year. As a result, the Group recorded an increase of 7.2% in revenue for 2019 as compared to last year. Prospects: Entering 2020, the pandemic of COVID-19 has caused unexpected severe interruption to the world’s economic and trade activities. Although the central banks of major countries are cutting rates and acting to increase the liquidity of the money markets in order to boost the real economy, the outcome is yet to be observed. However, this is the Group’s strategy to remain focused on the business segments that we have strengths and expertise. With the extensive experience of our core team and our advanced technology in handling precision stainless steel materials and product design, we are very optimistic on the development of stainless steel product business ahead. We are committed to improving our operation efficiency and will make the best use of our resources to enhance our profitability for the purpose of achieving the sustainable growth of the Group.

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