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Public company info - China Machinery Engineering Corporation - H Shares , 01829.HK

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China Machinery Engineering Corporation - H Shares, 01829.HK - Corporate Information
Substantial Shareholders China National Machinery Industry Corporation (77.99%)
Directors BAI Shaotong (Chairman and Non-Executive Director)
FANG Yanshui (President and Executive Director)
AI Wei(Executive Director)
MA Jian (Non-Executive Director)
ZHANG Zhiyu (Non-Executive Director)
LIU Li (Independent Non-Executive Director)
LIU Hongyu (Independent Non-Executive Director)
FANG Yongzhong (Independent Non-Executive Director)
WU Tak Lung (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Company Secretary SUN Runhai CHENG Lucy
Principal Bankers China Development Bank
The Export-Import Bank of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limit
Solicitors Clifford Chance LLP Tian Yuan Law Firm
Auditors Ernst & YoungErnst & Young Hua Ming LLP (Special General Partnership)
Registered Office Room 804, 8/F, Tower 1 South Sea Centre 75 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon, Hong Kong
Share Registrars Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Ltd.
Share Registrars Tel No (852) 2862-8628
Internet Address
Email Address
Tel No (8610) 6331-2262
Fax No (8610) 6332-1086

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