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Public company info - SH Group (Holdings) Limited , 01637.HK

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SH Group (Holdings) Limited, 01637.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Yu Cheung Choy
Share Issued (share) 400,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.01
Industry Construction & Decoration
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The group provides E&M engineering services in Hong Kong. Performance for the year: Revenue was approximately HK$707.6 million (2020: HK$568.4 million) Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company was approximately HK$44.1 million (2020: HK$26.0 million) Basic earnings per share was approximately HK11.0 cents per share (2020: HK6.5 cents per share) Business Review: Projects awarded in FY2021 During FY2021, the Group were awarded 16 projects with an aggregate contract sum of approximately HK$1,434.4 million (out of which 3 projects with an aggregate contract sum of approximately HK$489.0 million were related to electrical system installation). Major projects undertaken in FY2021 During FY2021, the Group continued to focus the Group’s efforts on the supply, installation and maintenance of MVAC system and low voltage electrical system. Revenue contributed by projects relating to MVAC system and low voltage electrical system accounted for approximately 81.1% and 18.9% respectively (2020: 79.3% and 20.7%). Recent Development Subsequent to FY2021 and up to the date of this announcement, the Group were awarded 2 projects with an aggregate contract sum of approximately HK$130.3 million, which were related to MVAC system installation. Prospects: In the past year, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“Covid-19”) pandemic impacted the economy worldwide. Different industries were facing various levels of difficulties. The construction and E&M engineering services industry also faced, other than the impacts from the pandemic, the continuous challenges like the elevated competition, increase in the price of raw materials and shortage of human resources in the recent years. Looking ahead, despite of the difficulties and challenges, there will be opportunities arising from the rebound of the economy. The Hong Kong Government announced to continue to invest and increase the construction output amount involved in infrastructure, this, together with the long-term initiatives like “Land Sharing Pilot Scheme”, rezoning sites for housing development and development of brownfield sites etc., will provide ample opportunities in the industry. In addition, the proposed land sale programme by the Hong Kong Government together with the railway property development projects and private development and redevelopment projects are expected to increase the demand for the construction and E&M engineering services in the coming years. Moreover, the Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council’s promotion of the “Construction 2.0” initiative in recent years by the use of advanced technologies, including Building Information Modelling (BIM), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) used in the E&M engineering sector, has greatly improved the productivity of the industry. With the challenges and opportunities discussed above, the Group will continue to keep the Group’s endeavour to maintain stable revenue and earnings and achieve further growth in the future by diversifying the Group’s projects in different E&M engineering services and adopting a more competitive pricing strategy to bid for various projects. Building on the Group’s long-established reputation, experience and proven track record in the industry, the Group takes a positive attitude in achieving a steady growth in the Group’s business in the years to come.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies

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