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Public company info - Champion Alliance International Holdings Limited , 01629.HK

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Champion Alliance International Holdings Limited, 01629.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Chen Shuming
Share Issued (share) 546,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.01
Industry Printing, Publishing & Packaging
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The Group were principally involved in the following activities: manufacture and sale of cigarette packaging materials and provision of related processing services in the mainland (“Mainland China”) of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”); production and sale of steam for industrial use and heating and electricity in Mainland China; and trading of household paper products in Mainland China. Performance for the year: Revenue for the year ended 31 December 2020 increased by approximately 7.2% or RMB38.0 million to approximately RMB568.7 million. Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2020 was approximately RMB0.5 million as compared to the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company of approximately RMB7.7 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. Basic loss per share of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2020 was approximately RMB0.10 cents as compared to basic earnings per share of the Company of approximately RMB1.55 cents for the year ended 31 December 2019. Business Review i. Cigarette packaging products Hubei Mengke Paper Co., Ltd (湖北盟科紙業有限公司) (“Hubei Mengke”), a subsidiary of the Company engaging in the production and processing of cigarette packaging products, is situated in one of the worst-hit regions, namely Hubei Province. Hampered by the COVID-19 Outbreak, the operation of Hubei Mengke was suspended after the statutory holidays for Chinese New Year as part of the Chinese government’s countermeasures in containing the pandemic. In 2020, the GDP of Hubei Province decreased by 5% year-on-year, creating a considerable impact to the cigarette packaging business of the Group. Furthermore, the PRC government extended its effort in the structural reform of the tobacco market, which included cigarette control, promotion of mental health and cancer prevention. To overcome these challenges, the Group endeavoured to maintain a close communication with existing suppliers, customers and government authorities, while stepping up its effort in keeping up sales and marketing and production. During the year ended 31 December 2020, the Group secured 5 new projects, which were due for delivery within 2020. At the end of the reporting period, there was 1 project in tender and negotiation stages. ii. Steam for industrial use and heating and electricity Although the COVID-19 Outbreak hindered economic activities during the reporting period, industrial production picked up steadily and the value-added output of industrial enterprises above the designated size and total power consumption in the country increased 2.8% and 3.1% year-on-year, respectively. With the continued development of the economy and industrial parks, demand for energy has seen a significant growth in recent years. Meanwhile, supported by government policy, the increasing application of combined heat and power has driven the total installed capacity to climb also. During the reporting period, the Group’s new energy business relied on a professional technology management team of a heating and electricity company which provides integrated services solutions for high-efficiency clean coal technology, clean production, energy saving, and environmental protection. Through these solutions, the Group helps the country’s clean energy industry to transform and upgrade and tackle the long-existing heating supply problem in urban areas and industrial parks. During the reporting period, revenue of this segment was approximately RMB115.4 million, an increase of approximately 14.1% as compared to 2019. iii. Household paper products During the reporting period, production and logistics for household paper products in China experienced inevitable disruption initially due to the pandemic, thereby putting this segment of the Group under pressure. However, the promising recovery of the Chinese economy gave strength to the already strong sector. In particular, given the COVID-19 Outbreak, national health awareness has increased significantly and demand for high-quality household paper products was strong. Our partnering brands are widely recognised in China and are among the “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands” for years. During the reporting period, revenue of this segment was approximately RMB235.9 million, an increase of approximately 32.7% as compared to 2019. Prospects: 2020 was an exceptionally challenging year as COVID-19 swept across the world and brought permanent changes to nearly every aspect of our lives, where people have to adjust to new norms such as universal mask-wearing policy, frequent use of sanitizers, social distancing measures and web-based communication. Fortunately, China has once again shown its strength and resilience as an economic powerhouse. The country was the first major economy to recover from the COVID-19 Outbreak and rose to greater prominence on the world stage. With the vaccination programme being rolled out in countries around the world, it is expected that the global economy will finally be back on track and see a substantial improvement in 2021. Despite that the domestic consumption growth fell behind investment and exports, total retail sales of consumer goods has been gaining momentum, showing a sign that the pandemic is tapering off. The Group expects that the overall operating environment will further improve in 2021. Looking forward, the Group will continue to explore its household paper product and new energy operations. Through adopting diversification and tapping the enormous room for development brought by the growth in demand for domestic consumption and the rise of living standard, the Group expects that the new operations will become a growth driver. Meanwhile, the Group will also extend its market coverage for the cigarette packaging business through increased sales and marketing effort. New business models have emerged in various sectors during the pandemic and are anticipated to offer new support to the economic recovery and transformation. The Group will continue to strive for better results and thus to maximise returns to shareholders and society through its peerless dedication to optimise its businesses.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies

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