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Public company info - Sheen Tai Holdings Group Co. Ltd. , 01335.HK

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Sheen Tai Holdings Group Co. Ltd., 01335.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Guo Yumin
Share Issued (share) 2,434,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.0025
Industry Printing, Publishing & Packaging
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The principal activities of the Group are manufacturing and sales of BOPP films, sales of sub-processing cigarette films, properties development and related services, generation of photovoltaic power and cloud-related business. Performance for the year: The Group recorded a loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of approximately HK$47.9 million for the Year as compared to a loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of approximately HK$26.5 million for the year ended 31 December 2018. Business Review The principal activities of the Group include manufacturing and sales of BOPP films, sales of sub-processing cigarette films, properties development, generation of photovoltaic power and cloud-related business. Our revenue is mainly generated from the sales of goods sold excluding returns, discounts, value added taxes and other sales taxes. During the Year, our revenue decreased by approximately HK$77.6 million, or approximately 17.1%, from approximately HK$453.8 million for the year ended 31 December 2018 to approximately HK$376.2 million. The decrease was mainly due to the decrease in revenue arising from the sales of sub-processing cigarette films. Details can be found as follows: Manufacturing and sales of BOPP films The revenue generated from manufacturing and sales of BOPP films decreased by approximately 12.0%, from approximately HK$342.0 million for the year ended 31 December 2018 to approximately HK$300.9 million for the Year. Sales of sub-processing cigarette films During the Year, the Group recorded a substantial decrease in revenue generated from the sales of sub-processing cigarette films as compared to the year ended 31 December 2018. The decrease was mainly due to the departure of one of our major customers who contributed approximately HK$44.2 million revenue for the year ended 31 December 2018. Other customers contributed revenue amounting to approximately HK$4.8 million for the Year and we will consider to expand relevant products size after more prudent financial analysis. Properties development All related properties development revenue was generated from sales of remaining inventory of previous property project, which contributed approximately HK$8.8 million to the Group for the Year. Generation of photovoltaic power For the Year, the Group had three photovoltaic power stations in operation, with a total grid-connected capacity of 40 megawatts (“MW”). Total amount of power generation rose from 48.1 million kwh to 54.7 million kwh. The revenue generated from this segment increased by approximately 9.0%, from approximately HK$50.2 million for the year ended 31 December 2018 to approximately HK$54.7 million for the Year. Cloud-related business The revenue generated from this segment amounted to approximately HK$4.3 million for the Year. Revenue in this segment represents service fees receiving from providing services to local government of the PRC. Prospects: The trade dispute between China and USA reached preliminary consensus after multiple negotiations in 2019, but the outbreak of COVID-19 since January 2020 has caused a major impact on domestic factories in the PRC. Many factories faced difficulty in resumption of operation, and with the outbreak of foreign epidemics, some export-oriented enterprises will face the secondary impact on order fulfillment. Furthermore, Russia and Saudi Arabia started an oil price war again in March 2020. It is therefore estimated that economic and trade instability should continue in 2020. In order to ensure the healthy turnover of the Company’s cash flow and avoid backlog inventory, a subsidiary of the Group has started to promote some products with low profit margin since 2019. These conditions are expected to decrease in 2020. For all investment and operation projects, we adopt a prudent business model and some relatively stable financial policies to ensure that the Company can operate efficiency under the pressure.

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