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Public company info - China Energy Storage Technology Development Limited , 01143.HK

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China Energy Storage Technology Development Limited, 01143.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Lin Darren
Share Issued (share) 924,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.02
Industry Consumer Electronics
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The Group is principally engaged in the electronic Manufacturing Services, marketing and distribution of branded SMB phone systems, assembling and/or marketing and distribution of branded multimedia products and computer accessories, gaming and entertainment products. Performance for the year: For the Year, the Group recorded total revenue from continuing operations of approximately HK$595.0 million (2019: HK$629.9 million). The loss attributed to owners of the Company was approximately HK$173.1 million for the Year (2019: HK$171.7 million). The Group’s net loss margin attributable to owners of the Company for the Year was approximately –29.1% (2019: –27.3%). Business Review: The COVID-19 pandemic has sent the global economy into one of its worst recessions ever, forcing countries and cities into months of lockdowns in 2020 that markedly reduced economic activity. During the Year, China’s economy grew 2.3% at the slowest pace it had experienced in decades. Given the grim operating environment, the Group saw its EMS and Distribution of Communication Products segment recording a declining performance with a decrease in revenue of approximately 6.3%. The Group has embraced a dual approach to drive faster and steadier revenue growth in the future. As part of this strategy, the Group changed its name officially from “Link-Asia International Co. Ltd” to “Link-Asia International MedTech Group Limited” in early 2021 to pursue the vision of becoming a medical technology group to offer assisted reproductive technology, including both related products and services, to meet the fertility needs of highend customers in the region especially mainland China. Concurrently, the Group has stepped into the lucrative real-estate market in South-east Asia with its enormous housing needs. To this end, the Group has leveraged on its business network to source high-quality real estate projects in the region since the second half of 2019. These efforts will intensify when the current pandemic, which restricts air travel and upends supply chains, shows signs of easing in 2021. For the Year, the Group generated total revenue from continuing operations of approximately HK$595.0 million (2019: HK$629.9 million). Gross profit from continuing operations amounted to approximately HK$154.7 million (2019: HK$135.8 million), and loss attributable to owners of the Company amounted to approximately HK$173.1 million (2019: HK$171.7 million). As at 31 December 2020, the Group had bank and cash balances totalling approximately HK$167.7 million (2019: HK$241.4 million) with efforts made to maintain a healthy financial position Prospects: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently expects that the global economy to grow by approximately of 5.5% in 2021, representing a slight increase of 0.3% from its earlier estimate in October 2020, citing expectations of a vaccine-driven uptick in the coming months. China’s economy is expected to expand by approximately 8.1% in 2021 and approximately 5.6% in 2022, according to the information from the IMF. In addition, the new Biden administration in the United States is likely to affect international trade and geopolitics with a return to a more multilateralist foreign policy. However, analysts caution that it will be a long and uneven recovery, due to the pandemic’s lingering impact and uncertainties. Facing an uncertain future, the Group considers it is imperative to maintain a healthy financial position and ensure the Group’s business continuity. The current situation also gives us the opportunity to improve and invest in the Group’s business model. The Group will therefore focus on diversifying the Group’s revenue streams and proceed with plans to develop high-end medical and health services. Meanwhile, the Group will consolidate the Group’s core EMS and the Distribution of Communication Products businesses. Based on the Group’s experience in the electronics sector and insights of the industry trends, both the segments will experience a strong market recovery from the pent-up demand of consumers when the pandemic begins to abate. With the implementation of the vaccination programmes, most countries are expected to experience a relatively strong recovery in the second half of this year. In this best-case scenario, the Group will resume its plans of setting foot in the Real Estate Supply Chain Services business, in order to capture the strong housing demand of young homebuyers in Southeast Asia. The prospects for the Group's proposed entry into the industry are equally bright. With a large and expanding stock of immediate demand in the assisted reproductive industry and a scarcity of quality medical services providers, the Group closely focused on this industry chain and the Group’s service preparations, in search of opportunities to provide us with the right entry points into the market. Following this, the Group will undertake strategic layout of the assisted reproduction industry chain in an in-depth manner. The Group aims to be the leading medium-and-high-end assisted reproductive technologies medical group in Asia Pacific, leveraging on its core medical technologies and proven capabilities to acquire customers and provide internationalised, integrated and professional assisted reproductive services to meet the medical needs of the reproduction, as well as provides customers with a comprehensive and systematic prenatal and postnatal care solutions to their fertility needs. The Group will adopt a sound business strategy that combines a diversified approach to business to drive the growth in profits.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies

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