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Public company info - Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. , 01135.HK

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Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Ltd., 01135.HK - Cash Flow 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 1,145,297 1,475,149 1,070,350 1,068,928 1,123,190 1,273,720 1,486,196 1,214,504 1,510,849 734,229 657,911 681,555 752,062 609,717
Net Cash Flow from Return on Investments & Servicing of Finance -234,761 -242,875 -109,773 -4,919,604 -959,380 -728,570 -17,266 -166,567 -128,955 -132,566 -71,916 -36,236 -47,846 -96,760
 Interest Received 4,678 2,136 1,176 25,530 37,509 21,427 33,318 40,277 27,020 19,722 80,550 100,672 88,747 39,833
 Interest Paid -90,926 -96,520 -110,949 -71,275 -28,112 0 -3,658 -1 -10 -22 -51 -6 0 0
 Dividend Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Dividend Paid -148,513 -148,491 0 -4,873,859 -968,777 -749,997 -46,926 -206,843 -155,965 -152,266 -152,415 -136,902 -136,593 -136,593
 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxes (Paid) / Refunded -132,036 -336,803 -19,605 -138,170 -83,193 -70,302 -144,957 -93,230 21,219 -56,177 -52,005 -44,116 -53,528 -95,367
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities -74,373 -543,738 -405,691 1,502,537 -1,636,255 -675,558 -2,787,186 -973,380 -600,651 -1,497,089 -366,245 -304,852 -306,757 -16,419
 Additions to Fixed Assets -74,625 -544,137 -405,772 -691,865 -1,024,390 -1,073,884 -1,669,366 -975,643 -601,689 -1,363,817 -366,454 -261,577 -306,833 -23,659
 Disposal of Fixed Assets 252 399 81 20,619 635,953 765 1,498 2,263 1,038 1,550 209 215 76 108
 Increase in Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -136,500 0 -43,490 0 0
 Decrease in Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 192,799 0 0 1,678 0 0 0 0
 Net Cash Flow with Related Parties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Others 0 0 0 2,173,783 -1,247,818 397,561 -1,312,117 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,132
Net Cash Flow before Financing Activities 704,127 351,733 535,281 -2,486,309 -1,555,638 -200,710 -1,463,213 -18,673 802,462 -951,603 167,745 296,351 343,931 401,171
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities -370,093 -381,061 -532,277 1,558,733 2,156,715 -24,242 -14,241 -1,007 -10 -10,156 -10,707 12,625 0 0
 New Loans 0 1,414,452 0 1,896,094 2,172,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Loans Repayment -366,598 -1,786,198 -522,598 -327,598 0 0 -10 -7 -10 -87 -101 -34 0 0
 Fixed Income/Debt Instruments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Repayment of Fixed Income/Debt Instruments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Equity Financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,659 0 0
 Net Cash Flow with Related Parties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Others -3,495 -9,315 -9,679 -9,763 -16,169 -24,242 -14,231 -1,000 0 -10,069 -10,606 0 0 0
Increase(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents 334,034 -29,328 3,004 -927,576 601,077 -224,952 -1,477,454 -19,680 802,452 -961,759 157,038 308,976 343,931 401,171
Cash & Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 214,465 240,583 237,579 1,165,155 564,078 789,030 2,266,484 2,286,164 1,483,712 2,445,471 2,288,433 1,979,457 1,635,526 1,234,355
Net Cash Flow due to Change in Exchange Rate/Others -1,603 3,210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of Year 546,896 214,465 240,583 237,579 1,165,155 564,078 789,030 2,266,484 2,286,164 1,483,712 2,445,471 2,288,433 1,979,457 1,635,526
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified

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