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Public company info - Coslight Technology International Group Ltd. , 01043.HK

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Coslight Technology International Group Ltd., 01043.HK - Company Profile
Chairman SONG Dian Quan
Share Issued (share) 375,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.1
Industry Automobiles & Components
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The principal activities of the Group are principally engaged in the investment holding and manufacture and sales of battery products. Performance for the year: For the year ended 31 December 2018 (the “Year”), turnover from the Group’s continuing operation amounted to approximately RMB3,196,379,000 (2017: RMB3,713,493,000), representing a decrease of 14% over that of the corresponding period of last year. The profit attributable to owners of the parent for the Year amounted to approximately RMB199,769,000 (2017: RMB235,403,000), representing an decrease of 15% over that of the corresponding period of last year. Earnings per share for the year were RMB51.84 cents (2017: RMB59.79 cents), representing a decrease of 13%. Business Review Power Battery In addition to being applicable to all types of electric vehicles, our power battery products can also be installed in communication base stations to supply power to telecommunication equipment. In the meantime, the power battery capacity reaches 4.5GWh. In the domestic electric vehicle market, relying on the company’s advantages in research and development, technology, equipment, quality, etc., we have successfully matched with many domestic large, medium and small auto manufacturers. During the Year, 20,824 sets of electric vehicle batteries have been delivered. In 2018, the domestic electric vehicle market was highly competitive, the price of the products was under pressure, and the gross profit margin dropped significantly. In telecommunications market, our main customers are telecommunications and mobile network operators in India, Vietnam, South Africa, South Korea, Egypt and other countries. Compared with traditional batteries, lithium batteries for communication are more suitable for power shortages and tropical locations, it has high energy density ratio, smaller size and longer service life. In the current year, a total of approximately 125,370 battery packs for base stations were delivered. Sealed Lead-acid Batteries The total sales of the sealed lead-acid battery products amounted to approximately RMB429,470,000 (2017: RMB751,342,000), representing a decrease of approximately 43% as compared with last year. The main reason was the transformation of the production workshop to power batteries, which led to a decline in production. Our sales volume for the year was approximately 0.74 million KVAH (2017: 1.21 million KVAH). It was down about 42% year-on-year. Among them, communication batteries account for 70%, and electric bicycle batteries are 30%. We continue to convert the production facilities and workshops of the battery into corresponding parts and supporting facilities suitable for the production of power batteries. During the transformation process, and during the handover of the products, the capacity utilization rate is low, resulting in a significant drop in gross profit margin. After the completion of the transformation, the production capacity will support the future demand of power batteries and reduce production costs. To enhance the competitiveness of products. Online Games Our ace game Wendao《問道》 insists on the implementation of refined operations, branded server upgrade, and specialty server upgrade strategies. At the same time, we launched the directional transfer server function, which effectively reduced the user churn index. In order to attract more players, we actively cooperate with the live broadcast platform and well-known anchors to expand the publicity channels. During the year, we expanded our 道十二 anniversary brand server, which effectively boosting sales for the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, a brand-new version of the classic version was launched, which was sought after by players with a more streamlined gameplay, further enhancing popularity and revenue. In terms of mobile games, a new game incubation centre was established in 2018, which promoted the matrix game platform project and successfully launched the first batch of H5 games. The matrix game platform also won first batch users. The various test data indicators are in line with expectations, providing experience and data for the follow-up of small games, and increasing the self-issuance advantage. Online game business contributed approximately RMB232,320,000 to the Group’s profit, of which RMB61,489,000 was contributed by associates of the Group (2017: RMB171,698,986, of which RMB26,840,000 was from the associates of the Group), representing an increase of approximately 35% over corresponding period of last year. Prospects: Power Batteries In 2019, with the support of the national new energy policy, we expect China’s electric vehicle market to continue to grow at a high rate. The price should be kept at the current level while production costs are expected to fall. It is expected that our product sales and gross profit margin will increase. We will also continue to develop the energy storage market for communications to increase capacity utilization and sales. Online Games In 2019《問道》 will plan to launch new feature versions to boost revenue growth. In response to the popularity of《問道》 , we will continue to cooperate with new media such as live broadcast platforms or short video platforms to actively expand the publicity channels. In addition, for the online trading platform《Qi Bao Zhai》 , we will expand new payment points to further enhance the income while improving the convenience of players.

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