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Public company info - Asia Television Holdings Limited , 00707.HK

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Asia Television Holdings Limited, 00707.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Deng Junjie, Lai Chai Suang
Share Issued (share) 9,926,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.1
Industry Textile & Apparels
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The Group had engaged in four business streams including (i) the processing, printing and sales of finished fabrics and subcontracting service and the Fabrics and Trading Business; (ii) the money lendingbusiness; (iii) securities investment and brokerage services business; and (iv) media,cultural and entertainment business. Performance for the year: The revenue of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2019 was approximately Renminbi (“RMB”) 156.9 million (2018: RMB166.0 million), a slight decrease of approximately 5.5% compared to the year before. The loss before taxation of the Company amounted to approximately RMB621.9 million (2018: RMB840.0 million), representing a significant decrease of 25.9% from 2018. Loss per share amounted to approximately RMB0.076 (2018: RMB0.113), while the net asset value per share attributable to owners of the Company was approximately RMB0.01 at the end of 2019 (2018: RMB0.07). Business Review (i) Fabrics and Trading Business The overall business environment remained challenging in 2019. Demand from emerging markets remained weak and the substantial increases in direct costs continued to put pressure on gross profit margin. For the year 2019, the turnover contributed by the Fabrics and Trading Business was approximately RMB112.7 million (2018: RMB94.9 million), representing an increase of 18.8% from the previous year, was mainly due to the increase in revenue contributed by subcontracting services. Nevertheless, Gross loss from the operation has reduced significantly from RMB18.1 million in 2018 to gross loss of RMB8.8 million in current year, representing a 51.4% year-over-year decline. (ii) Money Lending Business For the year ended 31 December 2019, the interest income contributed by the money lending business was approximately RMB18.2 million (2018: RMB18.2 million) with EBITDA result of approximately RMB14.5 million (2018: RMB18.1 million). (iii) Investments and Brokerage Services Business As the stock market was volatile in 2019, the Group had recorded an overall fair value loss of approximately RMB42.4 million from the securities investment business (2018: fair value loss of RMB43.6 million). The revenue generated from the securities brokerage services business was approximately RMB12.9 million (2018: RMB28.2 million), representing a decrease of 54.3% from the previous year. The decrease in revenue of Million Federal International Limited together with its subsidiary, Sincere Securities Limited was mainly due to the overall decrease in revenue generated from brokerage and related services, underwriting and placing services and margin financing interest. The Group’s overall Investment and Brokerage Services Business was less than satisfactory. (iv) Media, Cultural and Entertainment Business During the year under review, the turnover of the media, cultural and entertainment business was approximately RMB13.1 million (2018: 24.8 million). The decrease in revenue was mainly due to the decrease of advertising and subscription income from the over-the-top platform, including set-top-boxes, mobile app and website. EBITDA for the year ended 31 December 2019 was at a loss of approximately RMB8.0 million (2018: RMB131.5 million), the improvement was mainly due to restructuring, downsizing and the adoption of stringent cost control measures. Prospects: Despite the headwinds and challenges ahead, we will continue to enhance our corporate transparency and strengthen our corporate governance and internal control. In the year ahead, we aim to revitalise our media, cultural and entertainment business through innovation and repositioning. We will take every opportunity to optimise our business to enrich the value of the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”). With the concerted efforts of the management and the staff of the Group, we are confident and optimistic about the Group’s future growth and outlook.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies

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