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Public company info - Continental Holdings Ltd. , 00513.HK

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Continental Holdings Ltd., 00513.HK - Cash Flow 2023-06 2022-06 2021-06 2020-06 2019-06 2018-06 2017-06 2016-06 2015-06 2014-06 2013-06 2012-06 2011-06 2010-06 2009-06 2008-06 2007-06 2006-06 2005-06
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities -14,359 -287,463 77,433 -14,254 -9,203 -27,487 49,658 -9,137 10,512 23,429 -29,223 31,764 34,320 -7,028 101,822 81,277 49,045 19,217 -2,138
Net Cash Flow from Return on Investments & Servicing of Finance -57,726 -28,440 -12,987 -42,448 -56,630 -15,435 -9,580 -15,927 -12,806 -15,874 -14,606 -9,076 -12,736 -106,667 -25,143 -31,147 -28,828 -19,980 -8,834
 Interest Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,262 1,600
 Interest Paid -44,064 -14,778 -12,987 -25,370 -22,474 -15,435 -9,580 -15,927 -12,806 -15,874 -14,606 -9,076 -6,480 -6,562 -16,923 -19,733 -17,636 -15,610 -5,497
 Dividend Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 762 659
 Dividend Paid -13,662 -13,662 0 -17,078 -34,156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6,256 -100,105 -8,220 -11,414 -11,192 -8,394 -5,596
 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxes (Paid) / Refunded -165 -961 -42 0 22,186 -85,842 -141 -969 309 -5,322 -3,798 -5,543 432 -8,037 -7,071 -19,520 -6,630 -8,639 -3,281
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities -14,216 -65,384 -302,393 -76,706 -311,542 98,677 959,717 -155,274 -136,884 -25,991 -14,290 -147,669 -179,398 764,919 -197,229 61,428 -103,867 145,531 -292,035
 Additions to Fixed Assets -2,405 -2,078 -1,845 -1,285 -22,282 -15,779 -10,555 -20,836 -40,613 -25,716 -6,346 -11,458 -23,759 -11,690 -5,966 -7,459 -83,789 -9,665 -375,913
 Disposal of Fixed Assets 0 33 9,147 280 6 3,590 25 2 29,154 385 35 105 0 841,645 15,483 105,776 432 10 169,403
 Increase in Investments -11,990 -67,165 -324,175 -87,486 -287,450 -1,179,922 0 0 -7,753 -1,160 -1,148 -75,316 -81,139 -17,339 -130,053 0 -11,419 -500 -197
 Decrease in Investments 6,585 3,826 14,480 11,085 1,684 1,305,288 981,747 0 11,128 0 3,110 0 0 498 -2,000 0 0 157,209 328
 Net Cash Flow with Related Parties 7,254 503 26,590 8,365 -163,149 291,830 -217,600 69,000 58,000 -11,546 2,343 38,584 0 7,877 0 -169,019 -8,400 -18,433 50,747
 Others -13,660 -503 -26,590 -7,665 159,649 -306,330 206,100 -203,440 -186,800 12,046 -12,284 -99,584 -74,500 -56,072 -74,693 132,130 -691 16,910 -136,403
Net Cash Flow before Financing Activities -86,466 -382,248 -237,989 -133,408 -355,189 -30,087 999,654 -181,307 -138,869 -23,758 -61,917 -130,524 -157,382 643,187 -127,621 92,038 -90,280 136,129 -306,288
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities 32,948 186,232 105,880 -14,783 -148,705 783,278 -670,569 171,600 116,412 63,088 13,800 164,406 56,145 -538,025 44,117 -64,406 77,583 -49,205 287,329
 New Loans 1,145,015 598,786 186,988 250,100 121,600 612,000 10,000 164,200 101,528 80,441 37,450 118,000 57,127 0 65,000 148,724 359,000 39,808 241,967
 Loans Repayment -1,119,321 -413,057 -107,698 -273,248 -107,156 -120,552 -462,969 -61,600 -44,495 -5,807 -25,993 -29,178 -982 -503,902 -12,883 -44,111 -273,017 -70,580 -5,385
 Fixed Income/Debt Instruments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Repayment of Fixed Income/Debt Instruments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -42,000 -8,000 0 0 0 0
 Equity Financing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Net Cash Flow with Related Parties 7,254 503 26,590 8,365 -163,149 291,830 -217,600 69,000 58,000 -11,546 2,343 38,584 0 7,877 0 -169,019 -8,400 -18,433 50,747
 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Increase(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents -53,518 -196,016 -132,109 -148,191 -503,894 753,191 329,085 -9,707 -22,457 39,330 -48,117 33,882 -101,237 105,162 -83,504 27,632 -12,697 86,924 -18,959
Cash & Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 144,008 340,207 468,521 621,380 1,128,664 374,648 45,632 55,641 78,124 37,911 85,236 49,867 153,940 45,759 128,868 102,168 116,408 29,861 48,762
Net Cash Flow due to Change in Exchange Rate/Others 205 -183 3,795 -4,668 -3,390 825 -69 -302 -26 883 792 1,487 -2,836 3,019 395 -932 -1,543 -377 58
Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of Year 90,695 144,008 340,207 468,521 621,380 1,128,664 374,648 45,632 55,641 78,124 37,911 85,236 49,867 153,940 45,759 128,868 102,168 116,408 29,861
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified

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