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Public company info - IDT International Ltd. , 00167.HK

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IDT International Ltd., 00167.HK - Basic Data
Basic Datum
Name IDT International Ltd.
EPS Start Date 2022-01-01
EPS End Date 2022-12-31
Listing Date 1988-10-21
Trade Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Report Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par 0.1
Authorized Capital (share) 20,000,010,000
Issued Capital (share) 2,599,993,088
Issue Cap-H (share) 0
Board Lot 2000
PNAV -0.1176
EPS -0.0324
P/E Ratio -0.9
DPS 0.0
Yield 0.0
Price/PNAV -0.1531
Index Constituent -
Price & Volume
1-Month Change (%) 0.0
3-Month Change (%) 0.0
52-Week Change (%) 0.0
1-Month HSI Relative (%) 6.0
3-Month HSI Relative (%) 3.66
52-Week HSI Relative (%) 12.19
Market Capital 46,800,000,000
52-Week High/Low (HKD) 0.0 / 0.0
1-Mth Avg Daily Vol (share) 0
3-Mth Avg Daily Vol (share) 0
Close Price 0.018
Technical Indicators
10-Day Moving Average 0.019
50-Day Moving Average 0.023
90-Day Moving Average 0.02
250-Day Moving Average 0.025
14-Day RSI 40.33

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