Public company info - Finet Group Ltd. , 08317.HK

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Finet Group Ltd., 08317.HK - Balance Sheet 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03 2012-03 2011-03 2010-03 2009-03 2008-03 2007-03 2006-03 2005-03
Fixed Assets 7,172 52,281 54,772 88,396 91,061 105,480 94,928 96,060 97,155 90,884 87,305 29,759 21,841 26,168 36,053 17,661 12,340 2,546
Investments 29,500 33,300 32,700 0 0 0 109 295 382 33 112 484 268 580 1,178 2,165 0 0
Current Assets 30,323 32,567 23,265 30,721 53,120 98,644 43,662 51,818 84,533 115,706 96,330 75,118 72,403 13,856 21,500 43,577 26,064 25,711
Other Assets 1,155 1,155 1,406 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,355 1,355 1,355 1,355 1,355 2,250 27,006 70,339 0 0 0
Total Assets 68,150 119,303 112,143 120,723 145,787 205,730 140,305 149,528 183,425 207,978 185,102 106,716 96,762 67,610 129,070 63,403 38,404 28,257
Long Term Debt 1,965 38 172 0 0 62,858 13,930 0 0 1,985 2,291 2,691 2,940 3,709 3,278 3,461 3,635 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 9,065 44,903 34,110 26,033 11,287 11,125 10,614 9,958 9,939 8,961 8,042 6,870 0 0 0 95 0 0
Current Liabilities 22,876 30,999 21,750 26,348 31,048 43,869 29,242 26,089 27,083 29,055 36,984 25,907 9,814 10,811 11,859 4,705 4,847 1,603
Share Capital 6,665 6,665 6,665 6,665 6,665 5,290 4,654 4,408 4,408 4,408 4,408 22,041 18,373 5,993 5,978 5,279 4,980 4,938
Reserves 34,378 43,975 56,982 70,218 106,064 90,811 87,063 109,496 144,212 162,797 133,377 49,207 64,435 35,099 95,630 49,863 24,942 21,716
Equity 41,043 50,640 63,647 76,883 112,729 96,101 91,717 113,904 148,620 167,205 137,785 71,248 82,808 41,092 101,608 55,142 29,922 26,654
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cash On Hand 17,584 18,059 8,296 12,749 20,331 57,016 25,718 43,650 69,701 19,576 47,968 29,251 33,681 7,444 7,556 37,036 18,632 20,622
Short Term Debt 16,020 23,950 13,774 14,436 16,846 26,667 10,138 11,552 12,967 14,687 16,201 594 773 767 174 172 159 0
Total Debt 17,985 23,988 13,946 14,436 16,846 89,525 24,068 11,552 12,967 16,672 18,492 3,285 3,713 4,476 3,452 3,633 3,794 0
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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