Public company info - China Nonferrous Metals Co. Ltd. , 08306.HK

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China Nonferrous Metals Co. Ltd., 08306.HK - Company Profile
Chairman -
Share Issued (share) 1,751,000,000
Par Currency Hong Kong Dollar
Par Value 0.002
Industry Nonferrous Metal
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The principal subsidiaries of the Company’s are engaged in the mining, processing and trading of mineral resources. Performance for the year: Looking back to the year of 2017, total revenue increased by approximately 67.6% to approximately RMB186.9 million. The loss attributable to owners of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017was approximately RMB415.6 million (2016: RMB1,304.9 million). Business review: According to an article issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technologyof the PRC, the national output of ten nonferrous metals for this year, including lead andzinc, rose to approximately 53.78 million tonnes, its output growth increased byapproximately 3.0% as compared with last year. The output of lead increased byapproximately 9.7% to 4.72 million and the output of zinc decreased by approximately0.7% to 6.22 million tonnes respectively. Total profitability of the nonferrous metalsindustry in the PRC had increased by approximately 27.5% to approximately RMB255.1billion as compared with last year. In 2017, the prices of nonferrous metals resources generally rose, especially in lead andzinc have increased by more than 20%. The nonferrous metals industry had stablegrowth in production and consumption, stable trade, rising market prices, continuousimprovement in efficiency, and continuous optimization of structures. At the same time, the nonferrous metals industry has made great progress in technologyand green development, and the structure has been continuously optimized. With the implementation of the “One Belt One Road”, different industries in the PRChave undergone different changes. The nonferrous metals industry is one of the twelvekey industries that have established international cooperation stated by State Council ofthe PRC. Also, the nonferrous metals industry is not only an important player but also animportant beneficiary under the “One Belt One Road”. “One Belt One Road” facilitates the development of the industry, such as helping theindustry to integrate into global resource allocation, increasing support on resources,improving supply structure and stimulating exports. It is also benefit to the industry to develop international capacity cooperation and transfer our production capacity, as well as technology and capital. This will not onlybenefit the countries along the route, but also optimize the industrial structure of themining industry. Although “One Belt One Road” brings the nonferrous metals industry favorable factors,the industry still faces the problems including production costs increase, inadequateintensive processing and skills, poor stability of quality, overcapacity of smelting andlow-end processing capacity, which make enterprises in the industry in a low profit andloss status. Prospects: Facing to the recent market price trend in the nonferrous metals market, the Group’s average selling price of various products had increased as compared with the last corresponding period. The MIIT estimated that the output of major nonferrous metals products in the PRC will maintain 4.8% growth rate in 2017. However, the increase in market uncertainty is affecting the industry performance because of the international political turmoil, such as the impact of Brexit was gradually released. The industry still faces the problems including inadequate of intensive processing and skills, poor stability of quality, overcapacity of smelting and low-end processing capacity, which makes enterprises in the industry in a low profit or loss status. Also, both the production costs and finance costs in the industry increased that leads the enterprises burden heavy debts including Jiashengpan. Looking ahead, the Directors will continue to maintain the existing operation and restructure the Group at the same time.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies


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