Public company info - Zhongshi Minan Holdings Limited , 08283.HK

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Zhongshi Minan Holdings Limited, 08283.HK - Balance Sheet 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12
Fixed Assets 4,880 4,693 7,013 9,769 8,509 10,130 3,780 2,920 3,165
Investments 560 558 537 454 449 433 463 443 406
Current Assets 13,013 13,291 11,217 8,072 7,076 11,547 15,146 8,828 9,287
Other Assets 1,285 1,174 1,269 1,991 727 100 23 28 23
Total Assets 19,738 19,716 20,036 20,286 16,761 22,210 19,412 12,219 12,881
Long Term Debt 1,261 502 1,542 2,781 1,590 926 1,654 2,061 2,380
Other Long Term Liabilities 1,098 3,547 2,061 2,311 1,260 614 104 44 45
Current Liabilities 9,803 8,039 8,236 8,066 5,676 8,407 3,325 3,026 4,110
Share Capital 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 0 0
Reserves 6,674 6,728 7,297 6,228 7,335 11,363 13,429 7,088 6,346
Equity 7,574 7,628 8,197 7,128 8,235 12,263 14,329 7,088 6,346
Currency Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar
Major Items
Inventory 1,293 975 1,236 861 895 1,214 404 693 691
Cash On Hand 2,988 4,131 1,768 1,106 1,718 1,133 6,789 5,831 2,235
Short Term Debt 1,270 2,575 3,294 3,167 941 2,694 270 275 288
Total Debt 2,531 3,077 4,836 5,948 2,531 3,620 1,924 2,336 2,668
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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