Public company info - Celebrate International Holdings Ltd. , 08212.HK

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Celebrate International Holdings Ltd., 08212.HK - Balance Sheet 2019-06 2018-06 2017-06 2016-06 2015-06 2014-06 2013-06 2012-06 2011-06 2010-06 2009-06 2008-06 2007-06 2006-06 2005-06
Fixed Assets 30,961 46,112 9,443 11,116 344,365 3,252 3,873 26,668 977 769 45 224,918 197,144 173 53
Investments 45,525 48,632 49,282 59,300 29,975 37,700 47,139 0 64,982 0 0 1,889 0 0 0
Current Assets 135,816 222,742 322,352 284,415 47,321 52,005 21,678 19,960 78,603 30,582 387,179 85,062 88,803 45,051 20,677
Other Assets 68,680 10,075 83,648 241 395 0 0 26,103 966,180 964,880 0 96,717 93,711 31,761 3,361
Total Assets 280,982 327,561 464,725 355,072 422,056 92,957 72,690 72,731 1,110,742 996,231 387,224 408,586 379,658 76,985 24,091
Long Term Debt 538 803 19,594 191 141,040 141,894 123,830 119,587 110,824 339,877 322,889 388,575 349,249 22,500 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 0 0 1,309 0 0 0 0 263 263 263 0 0 0 14,073 108
Current Liabilities 153,902 48,082 9,059 7,228 9,276 6,296 3,978 39,927 37,085 35,164 151,064 37,722 22,605 10,988 11,129
Share Capital 153 153 153 63,904 1,432 110 77 13 213,700 33,837 17,628 17,444 16,979 16,681 15,501
Reserves 70,466 222,598 378,671 227,804 109,004 -55,343 -55,195 -89,479 746,413 569,452 -119,412 -50,433 -24,487 12,743 -2,647
Equity 70,619 222,751 378,824 291,708 110,436 -55,233 -55,118 -89,466 960,113 603,289 -101,784 -32,989 -7,508 29,424 12,854
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 28,676 15,890 0 4,306 2,133 0 0
Cash On Hand 9,851 22,032 108,682 27,220 16,862 24,604 908 3,784 20,976 8,930 1,990 40,629 49,110 3,360 10,955
Short Term Debt 100,399 20,012 1,218 199 190 181 0 0 0 0 36,145 11,344 2,125 8,053 0
Total Debt 100,937 20,815 20,812 390 141,230 142,075 123,830 119,587 110,824 339,877 359,034 399,919 351,374 30,553 0
Auditor's Opinion 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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