Public company info - Shenghua Lande Scitech Limited - H Shares , 08106.HK

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Shenghua Lande Scitech Limited - H Shares, 08106.HK - Profit Loss 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Turnover 135,024 206,049 237,630 285,117 217,107 173,076 140,486 64,654 48,130 61,410 57,421 62,918 141,427 106,066 121,547 131,442 163,752 118,208
Operating Profit -19,177 8,382 5,553 3,816 8,223 -6,186 -4,073 -10,449 -11,835 -717 8,605 -4,374 -1,364 -4,587 -6,010 -13,656 -23,870 -29,256
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Associates 0 92 125 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,433 426 492 -33 -379 901 1,783 1,968
Profit Before Taxation -19,177 8,474 5,678 3,850 8,223 -6,186 -4,073 -10,449 -11,835 -717 9,338 -3,948 -872 -4,620 -6,389 -12,755 -22,087 -27,288
Taxation -172 926 -241 132 286 -1,615 -140 0 0 305 317 27 232 783 515 1,232 3,002 400
Minority Interests -19,418 -14,240 -156 -859 -456 -179 -403 -1,068 -598 -264 694 -393 -230 682 452 -1,131 -4,072 660
Net Profit -16,168 665 5,025 4,614 8,393 -4,392 -3,530 -9,381 -11,237 -758 8,327 -3,582 -874 -6,085 -7,356 -12,856 -21,017 -28,348
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Depreciation 2,616 2,739 1,618 2,237 1,770 568 689 695 1,236 1,422 1,389 1,706 1,548 2,350 2,920 3,390 4,086 2,400
Interest Paid 301 73 300 737 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,781 4,527 4,427
Interest Capitalized 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 0.9 10.93 -4.24 3.43 3.48 26.11 3.44 -42.54 3.39
Turnover Growth (%) -34.47 -13.29 -16.66 31.33 25.44 23.2 117.29 34.33 -21.63 6.95 -8.74 -55.51 33.34 -12.74 -7.53 -19.73 38.53 -36.32
Net Profit Growth (%) 0.0 -86.77 8.91 -45.03 0.0 -24.42 62.37 16.52 1380.0 -109.1 -332.47
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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