Public company info - Global Link Communications Holdings Ltd. , 08060.HK

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Global Link Communications Holdings Ltd., 08060.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-03 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03 2012-03 2011-03 2010-03 2009-03 2008-03 2007-03 2006-03
Fixed Assets 3,541 1,773 2,400 3,612 1,399 1,641 914 1,929 2,242 1,433 1,941 2,893 2,894 2,319 965 606 887 1,273
Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current Assets 147,064 177,369 176,177 144,403 138,222 148,898 126,823 64,723 92,689 120,834 169,343 149,407 147,001 70,087 43,164 39,806 27,722 11,532
Other Assets 0 0 0 16,474 12,241 21,937 25,187 28,437 31,687 2,766 7,385 4,998 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Assets 150,605 179,142 178,577 164,489 151,862 172,476 152,924 95,089 126,618 125,033 178,669 157,298 149,895 72,406 44,129 40,412 28,609 12,805
Long Term Debt 1,645 310 412 1,569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 3,313 0 0 0 0 0 27 56 56 1,313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current Liabilities 63,260 84,378 63,436 50,784 56,577 62,529 40,221 38,104 39,408 26,722 27,307 27,978 36,942 26,015 13,774 12,986 19,575 6,879
Share Capital 32,638 32,638 32,638 32,638 20,888 20,888 20,888 10,888 10,888 9,608 9,608 9,608 9,580 7,775 7,775 7,697 6,635 6,600
Reserves 49,749 61,816 82,091 77,954 74,397 89,086 91,814 46,067 76,291 87,409 143,083 122,179 105,310 39,015 22,580 19,729 2,399 -674
Equity 82,387 94,454 114,729 110,592 95,285 109,974 112,702 56,955 87,179 97,017 152,691 131,787 114,890 46,790 30,355 27,426 9,034 5,926
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 998 2,626 1,804 2,515 911 1,919 3,563 7,451 29,492 23,579 24,269 5,959 8,251 0 0 0 0 0
Cash On Hand 87,062 88,645 93,850 94,107 73,604 72,153 88,594 12,482 18,677 30,105 31,674 42,007 44,418 17,855 17,196 13,422 10,862 4,962
Short Term Debt 1,398 787 1,284 1,133 1,163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,925 0 0 0 0 0
Total Debt 3,043 1,097 1,696 2,702 1,163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,925 0 0 0 0 0
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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