Public company info - China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited , 06055.HK

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China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited, 06055.HK - Company Profile
Chairman SHAO Yan
Share Issued (share) 692,000,000
Par Currency
Par Value 0.0
Industry Tobacco
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The Group is engaged in the following business operations: export of tobacco leaf products to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (the “Tobacco Leaf Products Export Business”); import of tobacco leaf products in mainland China of the PRC from origin countries or regions around the world (other than from sanctioned countries and regions, including Zimbabwe) (the “Tobacco Leaf Products Import Business”); export of cigarettes from CNTC Group directly to the duty-free outlets in the Kingdom of Thailand (“Thailand”), the Republic of Singapore (“Singapore”), Hong Kong, Macau, as well as duty-free outlets within the borders, but outside the customs area, of mainland China of the PRC or sales of cigarettes from CNTC Group through distributors (the “Cigarettes Export Business”); export of new tobacco products to overseas market worldwide (the “New Tobacco Products Export Business”); and procurement, processing, sale of tobacco leaves and procurement of agricultural materials inherent to tobacco production in Brazil and from Brazil to regions around the world (except China) (the “Brazil Operation Business”).

Information from the financial statements of listed companies


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