Public company info - DaChan Food (Asia) Ltd. , 03999.HK

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DaChan Food (Asia) Ltd., 03999.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 1,810,395 1,420,335 1,215,840 1,582,643 1,586,231 1,545,150 1,532,875 1,364,905 1,392,578 1,456,918 1,346,741 1,278,249 1,065,813 1,065,459 156,801 145,593 92,410 67,757 64,075
Investments 72,854 70,734 71,744 82,675 79,967 80,405 60,695 85,169 116,018 116,609 118,356 54,635 28,194 8,036 212 0 3,828 3,947 4,071
Current Assets 1,738,411 1,902,042 1,977,891 2,492,719 2,249,453 2,149,021 2,276,176 2,074,001 2,105,672 2,306,928 2,445,738 2,332,978 2,238,391 1,833,673 235,853 204,780 269,906 127,831 105,169
Other Assets 162,290 178,166 175,786 171,247 132,286 128,462 129,051 136,060 110,308 47,978 36,857 29,701 162,463 151,288 18,550 18,758 12,128 5,431 4,685
Total Assets 3,783,950 3,571,277 3,441,261 4,329,284 4,047,937 3,903,038 3,998,797 3,660,135 3,724,576 3,928,433 3,947,692 3,695,563 3,494,861 3,058,456 411,416 369,131 378,272 204,966 178,000
Long Term Debt 283,148 299,508 304,431 458,000 437,979 863,043 600,072 243,636 707,932 783,863 607,980 380,892 8,637 5,810 2,213 6,145 6,001 694 1,185
Other Long Term Liabilities 8,490 7,936 3,097 3,441 450 497 336 322 314 364 359 563 466 106 14 22 27 14,338 10,893
Current Liabilities 1,111,299 940,726 864,186 1,595,540 1,597,026 1,211,649 1,537,823 1,654,782 1,311,809 1,279,879 1,355,058 1,326,030 1,511,680 1,219,946 151,057 118,708 159,546 116,142 106,908
Share Capital 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,920 97,502 97,396 97,349 97,685 97,330 97,259 12,926 12,957 12,957 52,678 52,678
Reserves 2,017,394 1,973,476 1,899,695 1,743,496 1,537,627 1,392,454 1,443,226 1,391,195 1,358,029 1,505,759 1,603,761 1,612,590 1,617,345 1,494,841 214,307 203,959 179,680 21,114 6,336
Equity 2,115,314 2,071,396 1,997,615 1,841,416 1,635,547 1,490,374 1,541,146 1,489,115 1,455,531 1,603,155 1,701,110 1,710,275 1,714,675 1,592,100 227,233 216,916 192,637 73,792 59,014
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar U.S. Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 526,849 671,019 608,153 941,995 934,682 847,131 892,039 939,174 825,963 989,102 1,073,219 990,192 960,117 724,606 97,200 73,825 95,777 55,222 45,008
Cash On Hand 529,389 532,274 625,059 631,370 370,102 408,721 526,568 327,539 530,151 459,443 590,126 610,411 512,110 408,973 54,910 61,758 99,285 20,567 21,928
Short Term Debt 277,956 109,449 137,027 486,181 537,489 272,216 300,740 560,147 319,947 110,100 212,398 257,921 393,442 259,328 26,417 23,145 52,759 43,507 36,863
Total Debt 561,104 408,957 441,458 944,181 975,468 1,135,259 900,812 803,783 1,027,879 893,963 820,378 638,813 402,079 265,138 28,630 29,290 58,760 44,201 38,048
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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