Public company info - Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co. Ltd. - H Shares , 03606.HK

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Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co. Ltd. - H Shares, 03606.HK - Profit Loss 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12
Turnover 33,160,997 28,098,754 23,603,063 19,906,593 21,103,878 20,224,986 18,715,609 16,621,336 13,573,495 12,928,182 11,501,210 10,247,391
Operating Profit 6,378,970 5,582,968 3,941,455 3,161,682 3,384,764 5,098,260 3,710,926 3,970,096 3,207,270 2,834,176 2,552,024 2,064,537
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Associates 10,798 20,963 26,975 11,844 -5,932 3,744 -6,017 -112 5,559 31,029 25,748 21,539
Profit Before Taxation 6,715,450 5,578,543 3,818,327 3,109,064 3,230,573 4,961,808 3,679,195 3,918,847 3,042,042 2,638,344 2,378,591 1,862,071
Taxation 1,086,914 826,310 675,861 511,144 332,956 855,188 531,479 776,909 435,226 421,567 461,924 337,942
Minority Interests -148 -2,800 -3,186 -2,325 -251 -13,315 -505 -1,511 2,119 -2,468 -432 -130
Net Profit 5,628,684 4,755,033 3,145,652 2,600,245 2,897,868 4,119,935 3,148,221 3,143,449 2,604,697 2,219,245 1,917,099 1,524,259
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi
Major Items
Depreciation 2,523,017 2,345,632 2,252,166 2,242,534 2,130,723 1,681,025 1,392,222 1,201,292 1,021,268 890,914 894,093 834,335
Interest Paid 321,607 296,275 323,519 366,554 460,513 406,564 235,077 201,369 236,629 237,310 196,334 222,958
Interest Capitalized 33,287 10,908 6,257 13,017 28,457 31,104 53,976 46,376 46,698 0 1,822 2,999
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 16.19 14.81 17.7 16.44 10.31 17.24 14.45 19.82 14.31 15.98 19.42 18.15
Turnover Growth (%) 18.02 19.05 18.57 -5.67 4.35 8.06 12.6 22.45 4.99 12.41 12.24 0.0
Net Profit Growth (%) 18.37 51.16 20.98 -10.27 -29.66 30.87 0.15 20.68 17.37 15.76 25.77 0.0
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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