Public company info - Guotai Junan Securities Co. Ltd.-H Shares , 02611.HK

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Guotai Junan Securities Co. Ltd.-H Shares, 02611.HK - Company Profile
Chairman Wang Song
Share Issued (share) 1,392,000,000
Par Currency Renminbi
Par Value 1.0
Industry Securities
Corporate Profile Business Summary: The group is a long-term, consistent and across-the-board leader in the PRC securities industry, providing integrated financial services. Performance for the year: In 2019, the Group’s total revenue and other income amounted to RMB39.050 billion, representing an increase of 25.04% compared with the same period of last year. Business Review: 1. Institutional finance In 2019, the Group actively promoted the establishment of the customer service systems for corporate and institutional customers, optimized the Matrix system and Daohe (道合) Platform and improved comprehensive financial services to key customers, and therefore, the Group’s capabilities to serve corporate and institutional customers continuously improved. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Group’s corporate and institutional customers reached approximately 43,000, representing an increase of 22% compared with the end of last year, and the scale of customer assets reached RMB2.4 trillion, growing by 56% compared with the end of last year. 2. Personal finance In 2019, the Group further enhanced the retail customer service system, optimized customer classification and grading services, improved the full customer coverage response mechanism, and promoted the development of high-net-worth customers, the customer scale grew steadily and the customer portfolios optimized continuously. At the end of the Reporting Period, the users of the Jun Hong APP, a mobile application, reached 33.26 million, increasing by 9.3% compared with the end of last year, and ranked second in the industry in terms of monthly customer activeness. The personal financial accounts amounted to 13.54 million, increasing by 6.7% compared with the end of last year, and ranked third in the industry in terms of the number of A Shares capital accounts. Wealthy customers and high-net-worth customers increased by 34.7% and 28.0%, respectively, compared with the end of last year. 3. Investment management (1) Asset management According to the statistics of the SAC, as at the end of 2019, the scale of assets under management of securities companies amounted to RMB12.3 trillion in aggregate, representing a decrease of 12.9% compared with the end of the last year. (2) Private fund management and alternative investment According to the statistics of the Asset Management Association of China, as at the end of 2019, there were 24,471 private fund managers and 81,739 private equity funds registered with the Asset Management Association of China, with a paid-up capital of RMB13.7 trillion, increasing by 7.5% compared with the end of 2018. (3) Fund management According to the statistics of the Asset Management Association of China, as at the end of 2019, the assets under management (AUM) of mutual funds management institutions was RMB14.8 trillion, representing an increase of 13.3% compared with the end of the last year. The AUM of the segregated accounts of fund management companies and its subsidiaries was RMB8.5 trillion, representing a decrease of 24.4% compared with the end of the last year. 4. International Business The Group conducted brokerage, corporate finance, asset management, loans and financing, financial products, market-making and investment business in Hong Kong, mainly through Guotai Junan International. The Group has also actively expanded business presence into the United States, Europe and South-east Asia. Prospects: With the mission of “creating value through providing financial services”, the Group will strive to realize the development vision of “becoming an integrated financial services provider rooted in China with global coverage and significant influence”. According to the Group’s Outline of Development Strategy Plan from 2019 to 2021, the Group’s phased objective for this planning period is to develop the Group into “an integrated financial services provider with an across-the-board leading position in China and international competitiveness” according to higher standards and with more depth. In 2020, the Group will proactively take advantage of opportunities arising in the basic system reforms, such as the launch of registration-based IPO system, continue to promote the innovation and transformation, further optimize the corporate institutional customer service system and retail customer service system, enhance the integrated financial service capabilities of institutional financial services, accelerate the transition from personal financial services to wealth management, strengthen the active management capabilities of investment management business, practically promote the international business, and focus on serving the new needs of important fields including science and technology industry, wealth management, asset management, OTC derivatives, cross-border and clearing, so as to continuously consolidate the Group’s competitive strengths in the principal business field.

Information from the financial statements of listed companies


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