Public company info - China Titans Energy Technology Group Co. Ltd. , 02188.HK

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China Titans Energy Technology Group Co. Ltd., 02188.HK - Profit Loss 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12
Turnover 301,214 270,204 327,861 289,298 195,902 178,517 175,933 238,670 268,660 287,403 216,452 175,338 144,404
Operating Profit -49,325 -37,126 8,130 -5,954 -29,873 -49,634 -45,601 10,144 49,923 83,326 58,646 45,012 40,335
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 -4,834 0 0 0 0 -3,956 1,009 104 0
Associates -510 -4,977 -4,742 -521 1,832 4,460 7,469 6,368 1,740 -770 0 0 0
Profit Before Taxation -49,835 -42,103 200,311 10,953 -30,332 -45,174 -38,132 16,512 51,663 78,600 59,655 45,116 40,335
Taxation -1,043 1,601 41,145 5,998 -2,589 -2,153 -3,866 4,760 18,591 14,606 6,431 6,416 5,916
Minority Interests -1,189 -3,536 -4,540 -2,324 -1,682 810 -485 -43 -800 3,823 -882 -112 264
Net Profit -47,603 -40,168 163,706 7,279 -26,061 -43,831 -33,811 11,795 33,872 60,253 54,106 38,812 34,155
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Depreciation 0 13,519 17,694 13,352 9,105 8,506 7,742 5,505 4,784 2,207 1,850 1,611 1,529
Interest Paid 12,969 13,992 17,503 12,050 7,736 8,347 10,564 3,991 3,783 5,312 1,386 1,290 1,126
Interest Capitalized 3,314 2,918 808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 2.09 -3.8 20.54 54.76 8.54 4.77 10.14 28.83 35.99 18.58 10.78 14.22 14.67
Turnover Growth (%) 11.48 -17.59 13.33 47.67 9.74 1.47 -26.29 -11.16 -6.52 32.78 23.45 21.42
Net Profit Growth (%) -18.51 0.0 2150.0 0.0 40.54 29.64 -386.66 -65.18 -43.78 11.36 39.41 13.63
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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