Public company info - Chengdu Expressway Co. Ltd. - H Shares , 01785.HK

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Chengdu Expressway Co. Ltd. - H Shares, 01785.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12
Fixed Assets 471,866 356,988 396,235 418,096 967,442 256,348 136,915 126,958 126,273
Investments 608,382 534,435 401,845 300,776 221,459 126,641 124,228 118,033 500
Current Assets 2,672,505 2,237,450 2,182,496 1,923,149 2,107,790 1,245,541 1,185,765 1,581,672 3,593,552
Other Assets 5,501,994 6,039,878 6,177,162 6,425,387 6,037,428 3,565,646 3,467,170 2,640,524 2,432,182
Total Assets 9,254,747 9,168,751 9,157,738 9,067,407 9,334,119 5,194,176 4,914,078 4,467,187 6,152,507
Long Term Debt 2,520,025 2,355,869 2,768,988 3,008,958 2,793,219 1,328,500 1,210,500 1,373,682 2,852,569
Other Long Term Liabilities 335,716 384,355 374,238 379,336 355,244 57,568 260,973 64,055 68,663
Current Liabilities 1,096,682 1,468,908 1,413,080 1,507,207 1,451,101 1,343,730 1,175,497 974,988 1,551,123
Share Capital 1,656,102 1,656,102 1,656,102 1,656,102 1,656,102 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 25,000
Reserves 2,692,543 2,368,638 2,041,422 1,624,043 2,205,837 1,129,411 935,914 399,072 1,210,985
Equity 4,348,645 4,024,740 3,697,524 3,280,145 3,861,939 2,329,411 2,135,914 1,599,072 1,235,985
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi
Major Items
Inventory 20,670 17,322 46,135 54,558 32,308 0 0 0 7
Cash On Hand 2,260,931 1,889,340 1,887,351 1,759,686 1,674,850 958,615 1,139,951 1,501,380 1,201,749
Short Term Debt 230,873 207,527 244,633 221,020 261,005 225,000 245,000 237,727 1,002,252
Total Debt 2,750,899 2,563,397 3,013,622 3,229,978 3,054,224 1,553,500 1,455,500 1,611,409 3,854,821
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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