Public company info - FSM Holdings Limited , 01721.HK

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FSM Holdings Limited, 01721.HK - Balance Sheet 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12
Fixed Assets 14,923 16,425 13,387 11,086 10,148 11,164
Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current Assets 26,737 29,219 30,129 13,555 13,567 11,071
Other Assets 46 47 1,940 2,883 105 105
Total Assets 41,706 45,691 45,456 27,524 23,820 22,340
Long Term Debt 1,023 1,566 270 0 143 655
Other Long Term Liabilities 1,340 1,485 1,170 1,058 1,040 685
Current Liabilities 3,652 3,188 4,363 9,145 4,681 5,327
Share Capital 1,695 1,695 1,695 2,594 2,594 2,594
Reserves 33,996 37,757 37,958 14,727 15,362 13,079
Equity 35,691 39,452 39,653 17,321 17,956 15,673
Currency Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar
Major Items
Inventory 842 2,990 1,937 1,516 1,180 1,023
Cash On Hand 23,538 24,140 25,655 7,540 9,652 7,784
Short Term Debt 892 901 485 3,170 1,176 1,480
Total Debt 1,915 2,467 755 3,170 1,319 2,135
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 0 0 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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