Public company info - China Resources Medical Holdings Company Limited , 01515.HK

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China Resources Medical Holdings Company Limited, 01515.HK - Profit Loss 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12
Turnover 10,107,500 5,620,461 4,447,477 2,750,650 2,115,320 2,059,478 1,877,724 1,532,831 1,372,267 1,206,265 887,354 758,032
Operating Profit 543,159 258,452 199,590 387,877 541,155 588,889 554,248 -1,452,240 246,960 316,759 143,009 147,278
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Associates 90,780 92,285 82,035 33,896 144 54 5,259 -241 1,008 0 0 0
Profit Before Taxation 492,921 242,413 270,475 418,185 541,299 588,943 559,507 -1,452,481 247,968 316,759 143,009 147,278
Taxation 165,031 83,071 -155,389 97,864 140,665 149,387 129,812 47,331 75,554 77,230 46,865 36,544
Minority Interests 70,210 20,368 7,949 10,190 9,769 8,658 8,661 7,152 5,369 9,478 6,152 9,646
Net Profit 257,680 138,974 417,915 310,131 390,865 430,898 421,034 -1,506,964 167,045 230,051 89,992 101,088
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi
Major Items
Depreciation 610,863 332,483 182,879 113,382 63,644 69,613 63,347 47,641 41,262 35,795 33,015 36,164
Interest Paid 131,835 46,231 16,234 17,019 16,434 7,701 2,482 342 0 944 35,184 14,357
Interest Capitalized 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 33.48 34.27 -57.45 23.4 25.99 25.37 23.2 -3.26 30.47 24.38 32.77 24.81
Turnover Growth (%) 79.83 26.37 61.69 30.03 2.71 9.68 22.5 11.7 13.76 35.94 17.06 48.79
Net Profit Growth (%) 85.42 -66.75 34.75 -20.66 -9.29 2.34 0.0 0.0 -27.39 155.63 -10.98 110.03
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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