Public company info - Royale Home Holdings Limited , 01198.HK

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Royale Home Holdings Limited, 01198.HK - Profit Loss 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Turnover 852,084 834,149 848,925 727,638 659,698 918,154 994,032 1,063,736 1,547,318 1,210,005 892,234 790,900 615,033 489,143 413,257
Operating Profit 104,282 89,230 61,809 22,824 -112,057 -162,345 -344,854 28,886 250,637 197,797 130,825 24,074 52,883 23,356 80,239
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -111,688 0 0 0
Associates -569 -352 0 0 -767 -472 2,352 5,023 5,216 6,330 3,352 376 1,520 55 207
Profit Before Taxation 103,713 88,878 61,809 22,824 -112,824 -162,817 -465,640 33,909 255,853 204,127 134,177 -87,238 54,403 23,411 80,446
Taxation 36,521 22,423 6,068 -11,669 -328 224 4,475 8,895 21,537 13,422 3,711 2,302 2,091 307 2,254
Minority Interests 4,216 13,809 8,864 -8,711 -15,033 -11,395 -14,322 3,385 6,075 9,452 0 86 1,906 0 0
Net Profit 62,976 52,646 46,877 43,204 -97,463 -151,646 -455,793 21,629 228,241 181,253 130,466 -89,626 50,406 23,104 78,192
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Depreciation 91,010 69,840 52,296 60,886 68,530 81,045 88,684 62,535 58,693 45,919 41,085 40,505 24,971 26,458 18,104
Interest Paid 16,279 22,011 22,308 20,093 23,822 30,581 20,456 18,764 7,405 3,483 1,164 3,196 1,861 508 453
Interest Capitalized 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 35.21 25.23 9.82 -51.13 0.29 -0.14 -0.96 26.23 8.42 6.58 2.77 3.84 1.31 2.8
Turnover Growth (%) 2.15 -1.74 16.67 10.3 -28.15 -7.63 -6.55 -31.25 27.88 35.62 12.81 28.59 25.74 18.36 2.35
Net Profit Growth (%) 19.62 12.31 8.5 0.0 35.73 -66.73 -2207.32 -90.52 25.92 38.93 118.17 -70.45 -27.6
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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