Public company info - V.S. International Group Ltd. , 01002.HK

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V.S. International Group Ltd., 01002.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-07 2022-07 2021-07 2020-07 2019-07 2018-07 2017-07 2016-07 2015-07 2014-07 2013-07 2012-07 2011-07 2010-07 2009-07 2008-07 2007-07 2006-07 2005-07
Fixed Assets 198,354 224,602 287,604 323,336 390,163 477,239 515,387 473,676 551,696 577,279 638,084 697,537 808,019 854,975 881,573 846,644 800,179 745,634 747,365
Investments 12,665 10,596 9,066 4,000 4,900 8,198 17,274 15,884 16,669 20,124 21,770 25,290 27,047 27,004 22,692 21,848 20,040 12,007 9,528
Current Assets 120,688 133,338 194,259 294,566 324,402 507,488 523,426 393,300 514,933 634,078 541,230 640,445 884,525 850,702 603,095 682,436 678,072 687,857 707,322
Other Assets 0 0 1,027 7,438 8,127 18,815 13,124 11,993 96,014 6,268 5,595 2,172 8,774 16,846 8,671 2,172 2,172 2,172 2,172
Total Assets 331,707 368,536 491,956 629,340 727,592 1,011,740 1,069,211 894,853 1,179,312 1,237,749 1,206,679 1,365,444 1,728,365 1,749,527 1,516,031 1,553,100 1,500,463 1,447,670 1,466,387
Long Term Debt 0 37,413 36,005 39,195 5,974 10,563 46,164 85,399 146,218 195,015 226,170 265,859 248,814 334,198 330,797 333,310 213,230 268,151 314,982
Other Long Term Liabilities 920 916 2,823 2,847 18,966 1,782 3,745 567 650 2,298 2,393 4,578 8,048 31,556 18,455 2,046 0 5,110 5,513
Current Liabilities 51,485 28,252 102,326 230,584 311,314 489,107 593,095 408,995 497,301 631,445 561,220 693,940 1,000,297 926,154 702,458 682,899 826,802 799,995 821,601
Share Capital 105,013 105,013 105,013 105,013 105,013 105,013 85,311 84,996 91,087 73,900 67,112 57,801 57,798 43,349 43,349 43,349 43,349 41,961 41,000
Reserves 174,289 196,942 245,789 251,701 286,325 405,275 340,896 314,896 444,056 335,091 349,784 343,266 410,778 411,529 417,391 487,733 412,997 332,453 283,291
Equity 279,302 301,955 350,802 356,714 391,338 510,288 426,207 399,892 535,143 408,991 416,896 401,067 468,576 454,878 460,740 531,082 456,346 374,414 324,291
Currency Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Renminbi Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 8,057 16,445 24,435 24,659 49,250 115,881 132,762 94,869 128,048 175,972 124,144 143,825 245,006 227,151 144,890 163,493 190,032 162,593 180,812
Cash On Hand 85,457 74,606 91,631 165,670 138,340 154,183 120,830 58,572 97,212 114,563 103,849 130,066 176,065 171,471 151,052 171,785 186,775 241,356 266,334
Short Term Debt 35,108 0 53,840 134,313 187,693 258,400 243,927 164,785 185,145 254,939 213,879 316,180 467,742 428,023 350,413 362,485 532,241 524,716 513,944
Total Debt 35,108 37,413 89,845 173,508 193,667 268,963 290,091 250,184 331,363 449,954 440,049 582,039 716,556 762,221 681,210 695,795 745,471 792,867 828,926
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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