Public company info - Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd. , 00868.HK

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Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd., 00868.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 22,579,460 21,781,010 23,371,197 20,955,899 19,468,545 18,498,122 17,561,340 13,498,366 13,614,217 13,130,767 12,347,030 11,556,559 10,987,627 7,412,205 5,484,445 4,345,758 3,425,253 1,918,556 1,384,138
Investments 11,487,504 10,867,560 11,169,191 9,994,126 5,606,027 4,718,403 4,415,663 3,258,339 2,535,239 2,362,364 2,123,475 63,606 52,565 16,800 14,158 16,458 11,906 12,432 12,392
Current Assets 13,611,954 12,918,701 19,431,943 12,940,703 10,305,322 9,202,566 7,931,553 6,536,523 4,995,498 4,804,876 4,536,859 4,120,881 4,035,444 2,999,298 2,106,428 1,764,803 1,559,144 1,189,251 771,268
Other Assets 3,134,501 6,664,518 2,526,334 1,180,361 874,404 260,176 396,444 729,093 276,699 736,157 643,763 324,045 270,852 588,493 404,668 370,919 374,226 124,785 233,237
Total Assets 50,813,419 52,231,789 56,498,665 45,071,089 36,254,298 32,679,267 30,305,000 24,022,321 21,421,653 21,034,164 19,651,127 16,065,091 15,346,488 11,016,796 8,009,699 6,497,938 5,370,529 3,245,024 2,401,035
Long Term Debt 2,930,045 7,722,092 10,911,569 7,847,232 6,353,782 6,874,933 6,398,683 4,509,073 3,514,253 3,483,463 3,024,252 2,495,578 3,214,096 2,253,975 522,495 484,079 259,949 79,917 125,583
Other Long Term Liabilities 669,032 519,333 594,788 556,165 551,400 499,288 443,294 266,125 222,511 414,335 339,297 294,787 183,965 74,405 5,113 1,044 331 -1,707 2,627
Current Liabilities 11,348,489 11,902,741 10,285,784 8,694,343 8,421,690 6,602,785 5,156,831 6,000,233 4,959,182 4,801,037 4,078,649 3,328,653 3,418,122 2,127,992 2,051,505 1,623,279 626,948 918,784 525,263
Share Capital 422,255 410,910 401,866 403,950 401,922 399,320 401,766 389,177 392,183 392,161 392,137 378,555 368,332 351,709 177,305 168,808 172,344 1,011,270 824,975
Reserves 35,328,548 31,561,760 34,196,781 27,477,624 20,444,419 18,225,407 17,835,445 12,791,754 12,326,283 11,941,122 11,815,652 9,563,344 8,144,265 6,189,088 5,233,209 4,200,524 3,872,735 1,236,760 922,587
Equity 35,750,803 31,972,670 34,598,647 27,881,574 20,846,341 18,624,727 18,237,211 13,180,931 12,718,466 12,333,283 12,207,789 9,941,899 8,512,597 6,540,797 5,410,514 4,369,332 4,045,079 2,248,030 1,747,562
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 3,807,939 4,296,655 4,169,163 2,496,254 2,044,629 1,754,514 1,697,566 1,320,513 1,222,659 1,478,219 1,231,900 1,204,319 1,246,127 820,345 678,172 612,134 510,690 371,081 235,215
Cash On Hand 2,494,105 3,321,543 9,279,744 5,304,072 5,142,146 4,692,338 3,057,112 2,768,047 1,299,674 831,961 1,043,218 704,372 713,748 641,984 543,341 442,566 316,208 172,779 140,887
Short Term Debt 5,261,789 5,814,666 4,633,544 3,810,034 4,462,823 3,094,441 2,067,702 3,165,365 2,514,015 2,529,161 2,115,743 1,769,974 1,104,714 470,523 579,745 722,391 423,608 334,667 208,340
Total Debt 8,191,834 13,536,758 15,545,113 11,657,266 10,816,605 9,969,374 8,466,385 7,674,438 6,028,268 6,012,624 5,139,995 4,265,552 4,318,810 2,724,498 1,102,240 1,206,470 683,557 414,584 333,923
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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