Public company info - Willas-Array Electronics (Holdings) Ltd. , 00854.HK

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Willas-Array Electronics (Holdings) Ltd., 00854.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-03 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03
Fixed Assets 277,277 300,386 288,343 273,800 279,355 267,864 232,774 251,867 272,711 157,128 162,278
Investments 12,947 11,952 11,513 10,201 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 84,499 61,173 51,810
Current Assets 1,723,016 1,564,612 1,334,036 1,322,183 1,782,760 1,985,019 1,697,984 1,610,096 1,406,328 1,276,950 1,265,770
Other Assets 4,549 4,962 6,893 19,866 19,030 6,189 3,332 2,663 2,132 1,373 2,561
Total Assets 2,017,789 1,881,912 1,640,785 1,626,050 2,083,146 2,261,073 1,936,091 1,866,627 1,765,670 1,496,624 1,482,419
Long Term Debt 4,090 8,012 11,268 1,861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 30,153 38,154 31,652 33,263 28,671 30,894 23,265 24,952 25,774 2,791 5,000
Current Liabilities 1,292,930 1,065,180 910,764 1,020,218 1,383,855 1,514,121 1,334,954 1,289,462 1,082,318 939,064 927,947
Share Capital 87,622 85,777 85,207 85,207 85,207 76,341 75,506 75,506 75,349 74,544 74,544
Reserves 602,928 684,789 601,894 485,501 585,413 639,717 502,366 479,755 586,818 483,072 473,677
Equity 690,550 770,566 687,101 570,708 670,620 716,058 577,872 555,261 662,167 557,616 548,221
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Major Items
Inventory 586,266 360,393 259,783 375,130 689,898 690,950 591,741 535,547 515,274 440,067 353,561
Cash On Hand 317,230 330,130 216,923 267,058 302,171 327,050 331,255 484,996 305,955 226,273 397,556
Short Term Debt 866,687 618,781 497,654 682,802 1,026,145 1,049,721 877,908 840,253 696,076 553,105 589,773
Total Debt 870,777 626,793 508,922 684,663 1,026,145 1,049,721 877,908 840,253 696,076 553,105 589,773
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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