Public company info - Ruixin International Holdings Limited , 00724.HK

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Ruixin International Holdings Limited, 00724.HK - Balance Sheet 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 2,108 9,551 21,758 20,321 28,414 15,407 25,248 28,687 46,299 55,660 546,645 462,945 138,576 130,944 102,354 99,313 112,013
Investments 0 0 1,212 1,225 2,584 2,594 4,306 4,984 5,991 0 7,343 0 0 0 -1,435 -1,928 -2,409
Current Assets 110,365 210,687 216,721 192,978 309,672 316,747 378,763 366,200 416,286 606,463 453,459 653,635 696,797 420,502 455,977 409,377 284,744
Other Assets 515 323 1,318 0 0 0 0 0 470 0 179,433 797,097 1,230,174 1,962 18,624 2,585 1,399
Total Assets 112,988 220,561 241,009 214,524 340,670 334,748 408,317 399,871 469,046 662,123 1,186,880 1,913,677 2,065,547 553,408 575,520 509,347 395,747
Long Term Debt 604 139,942 123,353 109,053 242,015 0 0 0 4 263,447 244,845 498,678 664,631 655 885 526 16
Other Long Term Liabilities 17,263 75 2,157 15 13 157 144 143 101 86 139,078 11,828 8,405 12,070 10,679 12,043 11,590
Current Liabilities 197,723 129,400 109,078 37,592 94,314 319,973 327,400 368,230 397,031 301,976 337,029 366,190 92,711 122,796 145,611 126,605 116,980
Share Capital 168,035 168,035 168,035 168,035 138,892 138,892 138,892 119,667 119,667 119,667 117,545 86,828 61,165 37,975 37,975 37,975 32,175
Reserves -270,637 -216,891 -161,614 -100,171 -134,564 -124,274 -58,119 -88,169 -47,757 -23,053 297,430 950,153 1,238,635 379,912 380,370 332,198 234,986
Equity -102,602 -48,856 6,421 67,864 4,328 14,618 80,773 31,498 71,910 96,614 414,975 1,036,981 1,299,800 417,887 418,345 370,173 267,161
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 21,257 49,905 57,941 67,371 85,911 80,847 86,098 108,239 136,779 100,661 98,259 197,052 106,262 116,404 159,489 156,394 82,584
Cash On Hand 9,248 7,813 11,208 31,170 45,958 64,387 67,259 45,543 80,908 42,305 43,979 31,213 346,283 127,797 59,374 86,588 48,051
Short Term Debt 158,593 3,111 2,019 0 0 260,400 247,978 302,404 283,464 5 153,327 162,907 14 2,213 474 273 119
Total Debt 159,197 143,053 125,372 109,053 242,015 260,400 247,978 302,404 283,468 263,452 398,172 661,585 664,645 2,868 1,359 799 135
Auditor's Opinion 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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