Public company info - Shougang Fushan Resources Group Ltd. , 00639.HK

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Shougang Fushan Resources Group Ltd., 00639.HK - Balance Sheet 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 3,994,556 4,098,361 3,949,038 3,778,283 3,609,544 3,171,773 2,740,973 2,936,672 3,412,110 3,609,675 3,599,184 3,103,343 2,732,027 2,535,879 2,062,535 394,148 272,440 240,152
Investments 678,198 649,756 1,094,382 1,095,493 665,933 13,107 487,258 307,546 390,859 1,309,771 1,319,485 1,790,984 3,180,495 2,233,565 27,976 7,597 0 0
Current Assets 10,442,805 10,573,734 6,901,499 7,425,154 7,395,292 7,631,105 6,357,689 7,159,304 8,421,599 8,821,356 8,757,144 8,764,462 6,895,277 4,081,414 3,991,597 488,199 16,730 23,023
Other Assets 8,347,925 9,458,126 9,488,727 9,173,780 9,580,273 10,878,660 9,518,536 10,324,147 11,775,410 13,130,106 13,144,708 13,341,508 13,311,828 13,706,550 13,170,160 405,140 227,934 120,624
Total Assets 23,463,484 24,779,977 21,433,646 21,472,710 21,251,042 21,694,645 19,104,456 20,727,669 23,999,978 26,870,908 26,820,521 27,000,297 26,119,627 22,557,408 19,252,268 1,295,084 517,104 383,799
Long Term Debt 21,768 18,073 19,317 20,941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 898,482 643,665 35,171 34,014 141,995 116,015
Other Long Term Liabilities 1,529,863 1,687,365 1,635,064 1,559,503 1,606,536 1,657,562 1,595,586 1,740,673 2,055,672 2,151,302 2,142,911 2,131,424 2,280,368 2,011,610 2,366,848 92,048 135,908 137,452
Current Liabilities 3,234,634 3,926,321 2,488,195 2,845,954 2,868,700 2,661,400 1,843,177 1,942,716 2,374,706 3,060,441 3,815,627 4,310,740 3,317,555 2,572,369 4,401,252 435,291 181,655 57,147
Share Capital 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 15,156,959 530,184 530,184 537,751 538,056 537,056 456,456 242,239 208,080 208,080
Reserves 1,611,718 2,143,124 680,207 524,621 227,157 777,853 -637,935 634,156 2,769,576 19,397,199 18,693,500 18,428,828 17,611,838 15,288,138 10,365,283 491,492 -150,534 -134,895
Equity 16,768,677 17,300,083 15,837,166 15,681,580 15,384,116 15,934,812 14,519,024 15,791,115 17,926,535 19,927,383 19,223,684 18,966,579 18,149,894 15,825,194 10,821,739 733,731 57,546 73,185
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 42,046 142,658 131,170 123,530 130,069 195,983 198,599 167,312 180,799 221,019 163,282 190,507 134,758 159,485 187,465 0 0 0
Cash On Hand 6,780,796 6,783,593 4,352,413 4,952,489 4,497,364 5,026,550 3,901,146 5,118,086 5,507,056 5,793,007 4,845,869 4,871,337 2,798,575 2,210,249 929,104 460,538 10,573 10,587
Short Term Debt 10,348 7,957 5,721 7,119 0 0 0 0 73,899 580,009 1,075,448 897,848 233,381 162,420 1,590,917 195,504 139,845 24,531
Total Debt 32,116 26,030 25,038 28,060 0 0 0 0 73,899 580,009 1,075,448 897,848 1,131,863 806,085 1,626,088 229,518 281,840 140,546
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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