Public company info - Lee Kee Holdings Ltd. , 00637.HK

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Lee Kee Holdings Ltd., 00637.HK - Balance Sheet 2024-03 2023-03 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 49,670 33,292 44,639 32,744 101,303 118,320 104,920 108,331 116,597 72,613 49,903 49,784 69,664 76,194 123,639 118,766 74,261 19,923 13,451
Investments 124,138 144,772 116,129 76,128 4,651 8,380 16,174 29,015 24,407 31,951 40,992 47,901 26,412 37,773 4,380 6,581 4,852 0 0
Current Assets 682,557 724,696 950,847 916,644 947,622 1,172,192 1,346,261 1,131,778 1,022,990 1,474,327 1,296,466 1,116,818 1,489,542 1,618,549 1,544,137 1,227,848 1,523,637 1,731,298 682,647
Other Assets 7,797 22,976 5,536 10,546 2,950 2,788 2,209 2,888 2,627 16,971 2,856 5,785 2,350 1,225 3,245 3,576 127 119 72
Total Assets 864,162 925,736 1,117,151 1,036,062 1,056,526 1,301,680 1,469,564 1,272,012 1,166,621 1,595,862 1,390,217 1,220,288 1,587,968 1,733,741 1,675,401 1,356,771 1,602,877 1,751,340 696,170
Long Term Debt 5,781 5,956 7,603 9 12,570 13,183 14,329 15,462 16,566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 13,942 14,826 5,367 5,349 6,826 6,425 3,801 4,270 4,375 3,785 2,916 4,384 2,501 2,971 2,952 2,203 2,019 2,015 1,626
Current Liabilities 31,841 31,530 180,952 128,766 174,317 271,892 341,203 204,014 138,287 449,941 265,804 94,486 451,813 537,748 423,772 152,810 415,584 434,961 343,323
Share Capital 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 82,875 83,000 10,000
Reserves 730,037 790,707 840,388 818,979 779,814 927,075 1,027,356 965,391 924,518 1,059,261 1,038,622 1,038,543 1,050,779 1,108,847 1,141,093 1,094,316 1,095,429 1,231,364 341,221
Equity 812,912 873,582 923,263 901,854 862,689 1,009,950 1,110,231 1,048,266 1,007,393 1,142,136 1,121,497 1,121,418 1,133,654 1,191,722 1,223,968 1,177,191 1,178,304 1,314,364 351,221
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 178,627 279,578 411,003 386,698 456,552 596,869 822,380 675,183 728,367 1,144,633 852,505 532,746 829,098 816,361 626,041 221,615 596,870 759,070 351,270
Cash On Hand 264,579 221,000 208,750 288,218 306,115 356,734 300,364 237,851 162,278 131,058 241,445 421,816 446,579 602,628 715,387 864,147 648,740 727,554 80,002
Short Term Debt 8,000 4,614 142,970 89,965 108,766 183,284 250,459 163,384 92,719 405,187 184,995 2,492 338,194 390,433 279,515 74,206 253,255 268,214 186,907
Total Debt 13,781 10,570 150,573 89,974 121,336 196,467 264,788 178,846 109,285 405,187 184,995 2,492 338,194 390,433 279,515 74,206 253,255 268,214 186,907
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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