Public company info - Rosan Resources Holdings Ltd. , 00578.HK

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Rosan Resources Holdings Ltd., 00578.HK - Balance Sheet 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 255,340 396,187 239,133 257,799 372,942 563,742 525,206 389,061 386,826 283,950 250,844 205,737 144,040 37,338 287,180
Investments 0 106,701 108,896 104,214 116,857 141,546 158,449 135,854 87,206 90,525 90,958 0 0 0 71,511
Current Assets 156,356 1,207,277 1,411,855 1,243,954 1,466,044 1,140,579 1,234,757 1,969,701 1,651,210 1,247,873 824,215 412,147 302,432 575,442 91,309
Other Assets 135,704 360,737 326,535 318,153 412,378 561,257 716,405 850,852 993,219 838,678 848,282 882,269 856,969 295,245 27,768
Total Assets 547,400 2,070,902 2,086,419 1,924,120 2,368,221 2,407,124 2,634,817 3,345,468 3,118,461 2,461,026 2,014,299 1,500,153 1,303,441 908,025 477,768
Long Term Debt 57,278 78,364 33,381 0 0 0 0 184,050 176,253 193,728 0 105,884 230,445 288,448 60,292
Other Long Term Liabilities 4,615 60,287 99,589 92,593 102,531 118,201 73,097 19,264 22,369 17,494 13,289 47,005 410,756 110,080 131,186
Current Liabilities 569,077 2,095,718 2,030,037 1,731,112 1,887,862 1,513,545 1,396,475 1,660,043 1,057,664 882,266 893,229 582,172 264,026 326,951 80,799
Share Capital 104,017 104,017 71,267 71,267 71,267 71,267 71,267 71,267 712,674 291,813 211,813 66,959 66,686 108,173 75,173
Reserves -189,992 -209,671 -79,933 80,777 331,858 691,921 1,053,439 1,353,910 1,060,049 962,574 801,179 631,453 296,802 74,373 130,318
Equity -85,975 -105,654 -8,666 152,044 403,125 763,188 1,124,706 1,425,177 1,772,723 1,254,387 1,012,992 698,412 363,488 182,546 205,491
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 16,137 24,849 14,056 3,604 5,344 26,959 13,779 14,322 14,278 14,774 33,707 25,104 19,273 1,942 34,931
Cash On Hand 15,904 692,440 787,758 701,726 1,118,975 780,757 705,121 952,088 804,828 238,833 392,034 165,301 115,180 30,683 27,176
Short Term Debt 147,636 762,200 613,519 473,221 524,985 560,819 461,112 709,308 593,376 325,485 495,897 254,584 83,737 46,000 52,462
Total Debt 204,914 840,564 646,900 473,221 524,985 560,819 461,112 893,358 769,629 519,213 495,897 360,468 314,182 334,448 112,754
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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