Public company info - Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group Limited , 00412.HK

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Shandong Hi-Speed Holdings Group Limited, 00412.HK - Balance Sheet 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03 2012-03 2011-03 2010-03 2009-03 2008-03 2007-03 2006-03
Fixed Assets 104,218 52,376 37,072 10,011 12,322 153,569 168,698 2,455 69,731 125,801 119,152 252,847 244,385 110,795 166,814 199,342 154,317
Investments 5,466,669 4,466,052 3,979,968 3,560,822 3,324,655 599,195 100,610 345,400 132,785 117,400 303,529 105,487 304,717 21,636 25,760 8,719 121,985
Current Assets 15,131,248 18,494,244 16,483,653 6,312,099 7,033,240 2,293,538 3,492,640 401,667 573,389 333,092 608,660 676,667 739,475 812,231 1,158,527 793,171 569,449
Other Assets 2,248,316 1,953,522 2,698,112 3,494,533 4,044,456 1,689,528 2,135,359 894,727 965,621 495,608 25,820 14,256 0 5,823 4,070 1,000 59,188
Total Assets 22,950,451 24,966,194 23,198,805 13,377,465 14,414,673 4,735,830 5,897,307 1,644,249 1,741,526 1,071,901 1,057,161 1,049,257 1,288,577 950,485 1,355,171 1,002,232 904,939
Long Term Debt 3,594,620 7,417,192 7,153,772 2,381,727 2,297,629 1,056,627 1,436,705 18,813 9,300 0 0 0 80,712 0 68,672 127,918 47,838
Other Long Term Liabilities 143,063 133,660 131,230 164,089 218,927 191,743 170,301 190,715 192,888 598 0 0 4,202 52 9,370 8,353 6,307
Current Liabilities 10,600,265 7,758,594 5,662,346 5,953,403 6,053,293 300,791 1,130,946 13,648 30,264 37,737 40,587 87,542 90,344 48,028 16,165 48,475 29,759
Share Capital 6,022 6,022 6,113 6,113 6,138 4,797 4,828 4,236 2,824 1,877 77,276 2,849 82,730 25,577 213,167 348,270 142,682
Reserves 1,402,629 2,387,755 2,953,592 4,788,913 5,769,570 3,181,872 3,154,527 1,416,837 1,506,250 1,031,689 939,298 958,866 1,030,589 876,828 1,047,797 469,216 678,353
Equity 1,408,651 2,393,777 2,959,705 4,795,026 5,775,708 3,186,669 3,159,355 1,421,073 1,509,074 1,033,566 1,016,574 961,715 1,113,319 902,405 1,260,964 817,486 821,035
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 172 131 137 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cash On Hand 1,337,938 5,134,106 8,278,998 683,620 1,567,928 245,596 364,825 4,331 6,122 6,023 38,748 1,667 10,583 29,473 205,172 127,695 37,095
Short Term Debt 10,399,486 7,455,894 5,438,545 5,704,229 5,731,226 218,314 922,381 10,503 25,533 32,802 35,294 66,244 71,987 43,627 10,334 9,274 11,237
Total Debt 13,994,106 14,873,086 12,592,317 8,085,956 8,028,855 1,274,941 2,359,086 29,316 34,833 32,802 35,294 66,244 152,699 43,627 79,006 137,192 59,075
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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