Public company info - Lam Soon (Hong Kong) Ltd. , 00411.HK

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Lam Soon (Hong Kong) Ltd., 00411.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-06 2022-06 2021-06 2020-06 2019-06 2018-06 2017-06 2016-06 2015-06 2014-06 2013-06 2012-06 2011-06 2010-06 2009-06 2008-06 2007-06 2006-06 2005-06
Fixed Assets 771,353 846,003 824,301 668,030 703,570 661,055 635,562 661,025 741,790 749,881 781,237 747,403 701,089 673,628 546,433 544,896 745,963 773,890 809,293
Investments 90,468 118,778 82,760 0 0 177 42,895 42,892 42,900 43,427 43,703 53,191 52,618 54,884 83,548 88,606 85,243 82,208 82,797
Current Assets 2,541,461 2,825,784 2,758,360 2,522,897 2,337,054 2,189,710 1,863,843 1,589,608 1,755,599 1,670,926 1,430,283 1,326,480 1,325,259 1,079,341 1,048,636 1,093,050 864,984 865,111 847,341
Other Assets 21,696 10,396 10,121 24,172 21,095 20,470 18,816 23,397 17,789 7,835 3,045 18,818 2,627 3,996 3,698 11,110 15,496 13,011 16,780
Total Assets 3,424,978 3,800,961 3,675,542 3,215,099 3,061,719 2,871,412 2,561,116 2,316,922 2,558,078 2,472,069 2,258,268 2,145,892 2,081,593 1,811,849 1,682,315 1,737,662 1,711,686 1,734,220 1,756,211
Long Term Debt 1,069 1,239 1,847 1,584 354 357 255 530 68,000 84,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,700
Other Long Term Liabilities 15,572 12,813 15,246 19,543 11,731 4,742 338 21 817 621 52 197 421 638 309 1,553 11,162 101,092 96,955
Current Liabilities 622,024 827,785 777,784 717,075 715,091 696,128 655,021 585,369 798,170 764,098 712,511 727,627 596,177 412,124 374,907 464,309 503,297 607,074 680,485
Share Capital 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 672,777 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354 243,354
Reserves 2,113,536 2,286,347 2,207,888 1,804,120 1,651,053 1,486,695 1,222,012 1,047,374 1,007,463 939,722 1,291,500 1,163,863 1,230,790 1,144,882 1,052,894 1,011,558 868,356 782,700 696,717
Equity 2,786,313 2,959,124 2,880,665 2,476,897 2,323,830 2,159,472 1,894,789 1,720,151 1,680,240 1,612,499 1,534,854 1,407,217 1,474,144 1,388,236 1,296,248 1,254,912 1,111,710 1,026,054 940,071
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 667,918 868,995 849,824 646,073 625,843 640,109 648,900 542,975 540,337 624,194 558,053 584,521 821,278 312,302 183,731 273,625 301,214 265,774 279,366
Cash On Hand 1,456,839 1,541,454 1,485,477 1,529,608 1,317,927 1,162,146 822,877 663,835 800,343 642,704 490,217 451,117 170,579 568,789 639,844 532,081 293,134 257,854 236,358
Short Term Debt 3,112 3,177 3,365 2,767 160 312 250 252 269,000 269,000 269,000 347,000 228,000 65,459 40,500 212,000 142,104 162,101 225,486
Total Debt 4,181 4,416 5,212 4,351 514 669 505 782 337,000 353,000 269,000 347,000 228,000 65,459 40,500 212,000 142,104 162,101 264,186
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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