Public company info - Chuang's China Investments Ltd. , 00298.HK

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Chuang's China Investments Ltd., 00298.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-03 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03 2012-03 2011-03 2010-03 2009-03 2008-03 2007-03 2006-03
Fixed Assets 34,395 42,433 47,234 61,295 2,780,003 2,509,516 1,192,590 610,646 336,280 352,193 251,180 443,164 208,997 821,027 719,352 742,739 1,502,039 1,504,927
Investments 1,675,621 2,096,927 2,156,119 3,081,945 513,880 608,051 578,297 472,199 238,690 202,284 101,674 82,508 76,086 67,950 25,168 46,091 49,571 235,274
Current Assets 3,001,217 3,815,672 4,433,972 4,544,601 3,804,034 3,239,411 4,011,090 2,935,382 3,149,309 3,150,286 3,088,051 2,716,228 3,445,898 2,228,381 2,180,676 1,933,274 695,536 375,088
Other Assets 668,174 721,098 667,990 623,098 653,602 745,156 678,743 157,820 401,988 364,996 314,286 12,397 11,934 11,474 22,727 21,793 0 0
Total Assets 5,379,407 6,676,130 7,305,315 8,310,939 7,751,519 7,102,134 6,460,720 4,176,047 4,126,267 4,069,759 3,755,191 3,254,297 3,742,915 3,128,832 2,947,923 2,743,897 2,247,146 2,115,289
Long Term Debt 343,299 719,918 704,733 1,306,272 986,178 1,166,282 987,736 302,002 18,885 145,155 242,306 0 89,063 590,773 589,794 305,304 335,508 273,345
Other Long Term Liabilities 368,158 448,715 452,099 527,530 529,786 501,282 499,731 174,253 182,348 190,319 183,881 182,367 198,928 191,828 194,198 203,507 294,710 345,001
Current Liabilities 762,964 831,027 1,605,159 2,600,164 1,868,592 911,148 797,064 1,190,924 1,265,092 1,117,702 793,535 547,352 1,379,074 405,900 365,240 338,804 147,930 82,807
Share Capital 117,352 117,352 117,442 117,442 117,442 117,442 118,357 81,057 80,385 79,784 78,092 76,166 76,166 76,166 76,166 75,027 64,027 51,222
Reserves 3,692,191 4,443,182 4,302,311 3,652,212 4,135,431 4,284,853 3,952,722 2,428,425 2,524,315 2,478,292 2,395,014 2,382,780 1,921,507 1,845,296 1,711,018 1,814,753 1,404,971 1,362,914
Equity 3,809,543 4,560,534 4,419,753 3,769,654 4,252,873 4,402,295 4,071,079 2,509,482 2,604,700 2,558,076 2,473,106 2,458,946 1,997,673 1,921,462 1,787,184 1,889,780 1,468,998 1,414,136
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 722,052 1,528,672 1,505,918 2,212,025 1,339,214 1,191,001 1,391,738 1,826,984 1,912,268 1,696,083 1,731,083 1,535,916 1,899,535 1,775,068 1,602,028 1,355,593 184,760 195,838
Cash On Hand 1,239,494 1,524,929 679,001 703,794 919,502 523,248 1,244,846 605,667 911,376 1,145,068 1,011,517 836,770 351,703 293,917 446,056 453,930 354,161 147,692
Short Term Debt 484,784 535,057 1,111,609 594,703 1,095,158 466,176 418,500 406,671 604,139 259,508 75,500 41,939 245,313 121,045 167,432 150,638 2,000 8,000
Total Debt 828,083 1,254,975 1,816,342 1,900,975 2,081,336 1,632,458 1,406,236 708,673 623,024 404,663 317,806 41,939 334,376 711,818 757,226 455,942 337,508 281,345
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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