Public company info - Pokfulam Development Co. Ltd. , 00225.HK

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Pokfulam Development Co. Ltd., 00225.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-09 2022-09 2021-09 2020-09 2019-09 2018-09 2017-09 2016-09 2015-09 2014-09 2013-09 2012-09 2011-09 2010-09 2009-09 2008-09 2007-09 2006-09 2005-09
Fixed Assets 13,001 8,172 8,908 5,335 5,218,232 5,092,156 4,655,971 4,332,065 4,138,805 4,023,761 3,912,926 3,735,452 3,401,855 2,901,464 2,495,591 2,044,905 2,045,203 1,743,300 1,605,222
Investments 5,434,234 5,656,683 5,388,464 5,258,713 123,008 36,478 29,018 22,551 21,834 33,078 26,631 80,710 21,318 19,955 13,951 14,765 11,751 8,000 8,000
Current Assets 178,782 105,907 154,233 216,031 246,846 324,445 327,949 280,447 250,922 218,084 180,517 132,168 69,471 57,361 48,311 36,837 43,746 52,678 36,221
Other Assets 123,083 137,263 152,853 119,007 117,450 135,582 134,308 146,329 136,369 138,701 131,949 69,734 70,403 69,728 73,784 79,938 71,657 57,541 58,244
Total Assets 5,749,100 5,908,025 5,704,458 5,599,086 5,705,536 5,588,661 5,147,246 4,781,392 4,547,930 4,413,624 4,252,023 4,018,064 3,563,047 3,048,508 2,631,637 2,176,445 2,172,357 1,861,519 1,707,687
Long Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92,000 96,000 0 143,100
Other Long Term Liabilities 57,650 55,157 51,931 47,285 42,411 40,919 38,781 33,698 29,286 26,438 21,733 16,908 11,926 386,929 324,939 257,009 272,868 232,463 207,805
Current Liabilities 441,170 373,382 129,587 126,700 120,799 100,481 100,661 128,216 125,043 131,884 122,491 93,355 82,639 104,781 135,677 94,612 117,608 242,681 106,289
Share Capital 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 146,134 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179 110,179
Reserves 5,104,120 5,335,745 5,377,798 5,278,939 5,390,101 5,294,340 4,854,121 4,464,652 4,239,453 4,101,249 3,989,006 3,789,763 3,351,801 2,440,530 2,055,474 1,617,522 1,568,951 1,276,196 1,140,314
Equity 5,250,254 5,481,879 5,523,932 5,425,073 5,536,235 5,440,474 5,000,255 4,610,786 4,385,587 4,247,383 4,099,185 3,899,942 3,461,980 2,550,709 2,165,653 1,727,701 1,679,130 1,386,375 1,250,493
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 18,912 18,553 15,866 16,582 11,822 10,100 5,415 8,089 7,575 7,384 6,017 6,831 5,921 9,921 6,678 6,256 7,437 6,357 7,284
Cash On Hand 100,496 35,755 68,383 158,171 185,992 247,630 245,093 199,873 173,533 151,508 118,924 72,606 23,082 3,330 1,645 2,518 1,590 17,198 3,358
Short Term Debt 384,438 313,956 65,000 55,000 55,000 40,000 40,000 70,000 70,000 85,000 70,000 42,000 42,000 61,000 94,798 52,994 79,195 209,203 77,839
Total Debt 384,438 313,956 65,000 55,000 55,000 40,000 40,000 70,000 70,000 85,000 70,000 42,000 42,000 61,000 94,798 144,994 175,195 209,203 220,939
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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