Public company info - Ever China Int'l Holdings Company Limited , 00202.HK

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Ever China Int'l Holdings Company Limited, 00202.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-03 2022-03 2021-03 2020-03 2019-03 2018-03 2017-03 2016-03 2015-03 2014-03 2013-03 2012-03 2011-03 2010-03 2009-03 2008-03 2007-03 2006-03
Fixed Assets 812,945 869,266 848,376 861,768 2,172,420 1,916,965 1,797,732 1,148,978 1,219,333 636,702 604,333 1,355,542 1,046,759 628,797 523,320 912,607 729,033 886,829
Investments 900,568 1,159,869 1,207,028 1,155,100 0 0 0 0 1,467,959 1,872,961 1,634,026 70,240 2,312 452,158 444,805 350,098 77,419 83,448
Current Assets 791,911 803,397 901,247 801,196 1,246,511 2,045,416 2,712,746 2,966,148 2,234,211 2,372,405 2,997,183 2,379,421 3,710,802 1,499,546 1,021,526 1,441,001 801,204 441,806
Other Assets 52,947 69,555 179,054 178,664 270,118 558,334 363,334 361,941 978,629 1,144,826 1,303,520 3,423,406 2,074,614 1,092,672 1,075,645 130,280 5,258 5,312
Total Assets 2,558,371 2,902,087 3,135,705 2,996,728 3,689,049 4,520,715 4,873,812 4,477,067 5,900,132 6,026,894 6,539,062 7,228,609 6,834,487 3,673,173 3,065,296 2,833,986 1,612,914 1,417,395
Long Term Debt 0 238,359 205,733 143,395 5,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 127,114 1,020,976 101,249 128,237 199,631 214,402 186,136
Other Long Term Liabilities 69,542 80,594 93,509 107,472 126,839 102,492 105,801 117,104 123,457 64,131 57,399 145,864 174,850 136,938 106,590 40,752 26,221 23,311
Current Liabilities 967,113 736,394 822,000 756,314 971,806 1,270,762 1,124,613 609,503 795,941 503,879 1,247,458 2,225,898 1,345,560 1,076,867 955,318 461,303 587,796 520,657
Share Capital 2,664,298 2,664,298 2,664,298 2,664,298 2,664,298 2,490,454 2,490,454 2,490,454 2,490,454 2,490,454 607,867 427,467 355,542 2,324,219 2,028,619 1,728,619 665,190 558,492
Reserves -1,174,359 -850,210 -687,737 -712,689 -117,621 614,320 1,110,191 1,217,194 2,187,118 2,584,375 4,240,454 2,955,364 3,105,957 -200,268 -309,154 394,369 119,305 128,799
Equity 1,489,939 1,814,088 1,976,561 1,951,609 2,546,677 3,104,774 3,600,645 3,707,648 4,677,572 5,074,829 4,848,321 3,382,831 3,461,499 2,123,951 1,719,465 2,122,988 784,495 687,291
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 7,461 8,237 6,557 6,463 7,664 7 5 9 15 0 0 21,613 6,511 3,078 4,198 608,558 348,527 277,974
Cash On Hand 60,746 40,926 33,413 16,188 79,975 179,712 492,651 305,451 468,859 321,777 975,279 399,065 1,078,187 156,874 41,582 34,539 245,840 22,171
Short Term Debt 876,056 266,678 37,097 677,791 888,158 1,119,651 1,043,893 553,412 733,977 442,575 954,119 1,866,220 886,196 806,866 395,601 100,357 143,564 221,055
Total Debt 876,056 505,037 242,830 821,186 893,906 1,119,651 1,043,893 553,412 733,977 442,575 954,119 1,993,334 1,907,172 908,115 523,838 299,988 357,966 407,191
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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