Public company info - Lai Sun Garment (International) Ltd. , 00191.HK

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Lai Sun Garment (International) Ltd., 00191.HK - Profit Loss 2023-07 2022-07 2021-07 2020-07 2019-07 2018-07 2017-07 2016-07 2015-07 2014-07 2013-07 2012-07 2011-07 2010-07 2009-07 2008-07 2007-07 2006-07 2005-07
Turnover 4,994,591 5,191,815 6,089,785 5,324,153 6,609,847 1,804,039 1,808,083 1,972,089 1,640,834 2,204,756 1,049,050 947,247 1,058,386 36,554 14,526 14,303 11,414 347,158 481,725
Operating Profit -2,358,093 -1,270,831 -1,253,691 -3,266,153 4,846,203 3,184,064 2,037,093 773,289 2,185,163 1,658,814 2,564,934 1,405,879 1,216,012 326,645 12,241 23,770 40,575 137,351 121,349
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15,809 -11,670 -14,483 -17,915 -190,972 294,826
Associates -12,989 -37,050 -453,221 -444,207 680,675 1,815,129 1,026,362 801,073 450,742 219,804 602,713 1,119,034 522,206 190,823 166,676 39,554 259,013 11,723 -20,855
Profit Before Taxation -3,585,424 -2,212,522 -2,497,263 -4,445,634 5,013,292 4,680,192 2,365,698 1,306,111 2,366,238 1,762,154 3,120,738 2,545,968 4,561,723 501,659 167,247 48,841 281,673 -41,898 395,320
Taxation -56,378 267,473 261,986 -82,874 166,945 57,567 83,500 64,461 85,085 93,246 50,099 35,080 34,741 54,889 -1,137 3,044 6,369 20,012 19,948
Minority Interests -1,863,646 -1,283,694 -1,491,285 -2,396,853 2,048,859 2,055,270 825,532 558,334 990,477 728,412 1,406,735 1,124,990 736,528 0 0 0 0 58,866 57,331
Net Profit -1,665,400 -1,196,301 -1,267,964 -1,965,907 2,797,488 2,567,355 1,456,666 683,316 1,290,676 940,496 1,663,904 1,385,898 3,790,454 446,770 168,384 45,797 275,304 -120,776 318,041
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Depreciation 832,477 917,293 1,119,512 1,141,950 510,520 94,578 87,387 72,498 58,968 44,833 39,359 34,524 29,030 484 839 1,493 1,812 11,964 10,772
Interest Paid 1,495,320 1,140,366 915,393 1,002,880 895,093 455,087 365,916 356,834 336,971 245,607 171,051 68,296 51,228 15,672 13,826 15,978 17,900 23,888 16,220
Interest Capitalized 412,988 321,736 200,023 330,672 455,462 180,285 156,296 134,030 94,230 1,227 10,102 10,279 3,166 597 2,884 2,380 465 0 0
Non-current Assets Revaluation / Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taxation Rate (%) 1.57 -12.09 -10.49 1.86 3.33 1.23 3.53 4.94 3.6 5.29 1.61 1.38 0.76 10.94 6.23 2.26 5.05
Turnover Growth (%) -3.8 -14.75 14.38 -19.45 266.39 -0.22 -8.32 20.19 -25.58 110.17 10.75 -10.5 2800.0 1.56 25.31 -96.71 -27.93 -43.9
Net Profit Growth (%) -39.21 5.65 35.5 0.0 8.96 76.25 113.18 -47.06 37.23 -43.48 20.06 -63.44 748.41 267.67 -83.36 286.69
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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