Public company info - Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Ltd. , 00131.HK

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Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Ltd., 00131.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-06 2022-06 2021-06 2020-06 2019-06 2018-06 2017-06 2016-06 2015-06 2014-06 2013-06 2012-06 2011-06 2010-06 2009-06 2008-06 2007-06 2006-06 2005-06
Fixed Assets 44,240 44,537 45,636 42,365 7,698,535 7,132,876 5,676,053 5,582,149 4,075,988 4,494,223 4,042,840 3,801,846 3,594,130 3,642,711 3,392,703 3,885,878 3,310,285 3,526,341 2,377,572
Investments 6,935,478 6,888,329 6,813,428 7,269,107 171,922 168,129 132,755 27,955 0 0 4,742 4,742 1,468 1,452 0 0 0 1 951
Current Assets 2,302,632 2,397,870 4,018,203 3,738,763 2,834,905 2,769,878 3,052,711 3,528,978 3,658,989 2,614,021 2,184,852 1,950,958 1,693,846 1,641,695 1,350,710 1,466,951 1,033,562 107,387 24,178
Other Assets 18,763 18,902 18,564 17,240 15,730 13,901 12,682 11,560 9,663 7,921 8,923 28,937 23,027 20,893 1,076 1,255 1,451 1,527 644
Total Assets 9,301,113 9,349,638 10,895,831 11,067,475 10,721,092 10,084,784 8,874,201 9,150,642 7,744,640 7,116,165 6,241,357 5,786,483 5,312,471 5,306,751 4,744,489 5,354,084 4,345,298 3,635,256 2,403,345
Long Term Debt 630,789 2,956 128,197 181,537 169,290 138,665 834,296 787,759 26,404 326,547 840,676 456,302 653,938 43,854 71,477 1,006,797 563,711 1,154,332 640,173
Other Long Term Liabilities 926,091 907,610 930,853 1,070,462 1,289,825 1,187,248 758,646 803,931 160,386 6,577 3,489 0 0 0 355,289 422,004 530,880 302,915 177,344
Current Liabilities 961,773 1,570,529 2,786,042 3,083,560 2,432,268 2,216,442 1,515,555 2,257,942 2,467,755 1,952,059 987,823 1,125,743 628,956 1,617,416 1,424,519 493,837 443,757 529,119 62,181
Share Capital 2,468,985 2,468,985 2,468,985 2,441,551 2,326,486 2,221,269 2,050,018 1,910,644 1,807,547 1,741,281 44,716 42,042 40,231 34,667 27,151 26,413 21,785 7,674 7,318
Reserves 4,104,573 4,222,494 4,404,645 4,114,072 4,312,241 4,158,932 3,558,446 3,241,819 3,161,016 2,964,382 4,237,434 4,069,605 3,906,043 3,572,561 2,854,119 3,336,849 2,724,555 1,641,216 1,516,329
Equity 6,573,558 6,691,479 6,873,630 6,555,623 6,638,727 6,380,201 5,608,464 5,152,463 4,968,563 4,705,663 4,282,150 4,111,647 3,946,274 3,607,228 2,881,270 3,363,262 2,746,340 1,648,890 1,523,647
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 1,900,001 1,951,969 1,963,641 2,007,245 1,941,809 1,994,277 2,093,573 2,329,255 2,693,633 2,432,192 2,046,249 1,656,833 1,487,253 1,434,517 1,146,175 1,099,355 961,571 97,103 2,506
Cash On Hand 323,525 367,383 1,988,157 1,236,667 595,454 724,022 913,706 1,032,612 88,464 111,384 78,187 205,521 95,615 101,251 35,922 106,256 61,565 4,812 15,082
Short Term Debt 408,616 880,846 868,193 1,264,547 1,163,687 1,203,416 497,054 424,626 1,809,474 1,680,461 715,968 858,577 319,413 1,332,937 1,118,000 188,574 143,573 430,954 32,999
Total Debt 1,039,405 883,802 996,390 1,446,084 1,332,977 1,342,081 1,331,350 1,212,385 1,835,878 2,007,008 1,556,644 1,314,879 973,351 1,376,791 1,189,477 1,195,371 707,284 1,585,286 673,172
Auditor's Opinion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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