Public company info - Tai Sang Land Development Ltd. , 00089.HK

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Tai Sang Land Development Ltd., 00089.HK - Balance Sheet 2023-12 2022-12 2021-12 2020-12 2019-12 2018-12 2017-12 2016-12 2015-12 2014-12 2013-12 2012-12 2011-12 2010-12 2009-12 2008-12 2007-12 2006-12 2005-12
Fixed Assets 1,990,657 1,964,857 1,998,645 2,136,502 1,922,917 9,852,106 8,995,803 8,257,681 7,701,065 6,685,300 5,871,875 5,360,160 4,680,052 3,974,192 3,278,711 2,976,572 3,551,287 2,637,702 2,542,061
Investments 9,636,669 9,873,768 9,571,777 8,672,033 8,652,715 29,583 34,760 51,373 53,100 56,489 51,597 61,417 74,552 71,451 56,702 67,951 99,376 67,386 36,209
Current Assets 263,608 294,130 259,929 289,764 259,285 216,953 195,128 192,828 180,821 164,146 181,632 165,634 187,529 165,239 185,976 155,166 294,167 153,531 161,546
Other Assets 50 1,094 2,573 8,948 4,254 0 0 10,868 13,894 6,480 7,494 13,314 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000
Total Assets 11,890,984 12,133,849 11,832,924 11,107,247 10,839,171 10,098,642 9,225,691 8,512,750 7,948,880 6,912,414 6,112,599 5,600,525 4,942,134 4,210,882 3,521,389 3,199,689 3,944,831 2,870,619 2,751,816
Long Term Debt 1,065,940 1,602,521 1,945,654 1,988,506 1,326,679 492,007 734,210 942,421 519,364 265,889 294,549 0 131,637 133,323 135,009 136,696 132,135 134,597 328,594
Other Long Term Liabilities 252,081 301,675 359,683 341,817 345,698 298,890 247,906 326,183 275,501 243,221 179,629 139,187 73,079 46,193 43,216 298,773 433,098 355,898 339,278
Current Liabilities 1,660,263 1,114,533 718,015 643,529 963,396 1,479,924 867,688 338,239 581,488 604,615 439,502 636,260 464,825 334,592 283,787 330,427 388,012 204,152 204,500
Share Capital 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 417,321 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670 287,670
Reserves 8,205,605 8,426,557 8,142,329 7,485,932 7,553,615 7,185,291 6,747,553 6,289,203 5,960,915 5,200,462 4,741,244 4,377,200 3,843,967 3,283,637 2,670,728 2,059,312 2,607,034 1,888,303 1,591,774
Equity 8,622,926 8,843,878 8,559,650 7,903,253 7,970,936 7,602,612 7,164,874 6,706,524 6,378,236 5,617,784 5,028,914 4,664,870 4,131,637 3,571,307 2,958,398 2,346,982 2,894,704 2,175,972 1,879,444
Currency Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
Unit Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand
Major Items
Inventory 110,685 109,414 109,404 109,072 109,596 109,596 101,790 101,772 101,736 100,828 101,331 101,331 101,331 111,337 96,428 101,790 232,133 103,691 104,034
Cash On Hand 108,364 134,135 112,184 141,371 111,644 61,936 51,510 72,382 57,502 40,637 59,846 41,826 49,607 24,047 56,516 29,922 40,707 30,901 39,545
Short Term Debt 1,514,862 972,560 565,826 445,638 802,497 1,357,027 730,124 195,842 444,648 470,411 310,973 513,410 357,648 242,860 201,859 234,351 287,222 125,007 133,408
Total Debt 2,580,802 2,575,081 2,511,480 2,434,144 2,129,176 1,849,034 1,464,334 1,138,263 964,012 736,300 605,522 513,410 489,285 376,183 336,868 371,046 419,357 259,604 462,002
Auditor's Opinion 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes:1–Unqualified; 2–Unqualified ( not qualified in respect of fundamental uncertainly because of proper disclosure); 3–Qualified


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