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 Basic Datum
Company name 资产收益 每股收益 每股资产 收入增长 利润增长
CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE 1.02% 0.03 3.09 -7.61% -79.73%
SWSC 1.59% 0.07 4.34 0.0% -46.08%
ZONG SHEN POWER 2.29% 0.0559 2.44 3.3% -0.89%
JINKE CO. LTD 5.83% 0.28 4.76 325.45% 703.31%
R&B 2.15% 0.0449 2.09 7.02% 28.26%
YUKAIFA 0.67% 0.0242 3.6 62.67% 322.51%
DIMA 0.37% 0.006 1.6 54.27% 22.4%
JIALING 0.68% 0.0041 0.61 -17.64% 120.01%
CJFC 1.59% 0.0645 4.07 68.51% 199.81%
PKU HEALTHCARE 3.02% 0.05 1.73 8.93% 15.6%
JLEP 1.05% 0.0535 5.11 21.92% 1535.89%
HUAZHI HOLDING 0.78% 0.0055 0.7024 -23.29% 112.38%
CQBEER 2.54% 0.0765 3.02 17.82% 6.78%
- 2.91% 0.0785 2.7 4.0% -29.56%
STM 16.42% 0.0022 0.0134 60.96% 704.41%
CBEST 8.98% 0.72 8.03 15.0% 10.5%
CQGJ 0.86% 0.043 5.01 14.6% -19.81%
HUAPONT-NUTRICHEM 2.09% 0.31 14.59 488.44% 161.6%
CREC 5.65% 0.29 5.1 246.89% 2988.57%
SWP 4.77% 0.07 1.44 20.74% 0.24%
TJG 1.77% 0.0251 1.421 7.96% -6.01%
TGWC -0.1% -0.004 3.78 13.47% 81.78%
CHQSXP 2.23% 0.07 3.01 1.46% 48.74%
- 0.73% 0.02 2.12 -5.56% -50.1%
WANLIGROUP 6.59% 0.036 0.55 73.56% 404.09%
MAS 2.48% 0.16 8.76 66.26% 117.25%
 Top Gain / Loss Show All Charts 
Name Updated Value Change Change %
YUKAIFA 05-13 15:00 3.83  0.03  0.78%
CHQSXP 05-13 15:00 4.89  0.06  1.24%
TJG 05-13 15:00 3.52  0.1  2.92%
HUAZHI HOLDING 05-13 15:00 4.14  0.04  0.96%
CHANGAN AUTOMOBILE 05-13 15:00 10.8  0.05  0.46%
JINKE CO. LTD 05-13 15:00 8.11  0.02  0.25%
CREC 05-13 15:00 7.29 0 0%
PKU HEALTHCARE 05-13 15:00 6.31  0.03  0.48%
STM 05-13 15:00 4.11  0.04  0.96%
CJFC 05-13 15:00 5.12 0 0%
ZONG SHEN POWER 05-13 15:00 6.03  0.05  0.82%
HUAPONT-NUTRICHEM 05-13 15:00 5.23  0.02  0.38%
MAS 05-13 15:00 11.17  0.04  0.36%
R&B 05-13 15:00 2.8 0 0%
TGWC 05-13 15:00 8.56  0.07  0.81%
- 05-13 15:00 12.56  0.17  1.34%
CQBEER 05-13 15:00 58.53  2.14  3.79%
CQGJ 05-13 15:00 3.63  0.02  0.55%
JLEP 05-13 15:00 4.86  0.02  0.41%
SWSC 05-13 15:00 4.55  0.02  0.44%
- 05-13 15:00 20.12  0.72  3.71%
DIMA 05-13 15:00 2.83  0.03  1.05%
SWP 05-13 15:00 1.86  0.04  2.11%
CBEST 05-13 15:00 28.24  2.57  10.01%
WANLIGROUP 05-13 15:00 10.39 0 0%
JIALING 05-13 15:00 5.8  0.05  0.87%

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