

Activision and Meta sued by families of Uvalde school shooting victims @ 2024-05-26T 返回 熱門新聞
關鍵詞:shooting victims
Activision and Meta are facing a lawsuit from the families of the victims killed in the Uvalde, Texas school shooting.
The lawsuits claim that the three companies worked to enable the mass shooter who killed 19 children and two adults in Uvalde two years ago.
SAN ANTONIO — The lawyer who won a record-setting settlement for Sandy Hook families announced two lawsuits Friday on behalf of the...
The wrongful death complaints argue the companies help gun manufacturers market to teen shooters.
The wrongful death lawsuits come just two days after the same group of 19 families reached a $2 million settlement with the city of Uvalde...
Two years have passed since 19 children and two teachers were killed at Robb Elementary.Friday night families of the victims and survivors...
On the second anniversary of the 2022 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, families of the victims have filed two lawsuits which accuse...
Families of the victims of the 2022 Uvalde school shooting are suing a gun manufacturer, Instagram parent Meta and the Microsoft-controlled...
Uvalde is still accepting donations for a new school to replace Robb Elementary.
The families impacted by the Uvalde, Texas mass shooting are suing Meta and the makers of the "Call of Duty" video game series.

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