
ORing Strengthens Presence in the US Railway Market with Cutting-Edge Industrial Networking Solutions


TAIPEI, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ORing Industrial Networking, a leading provider of industrial networking solutions, is intensifying its efforts to strengthen its presence in the US railway market, leveraging its extensive expertise and proven track record in the sector.

With nearly 20 years of experience in developing innovative networking products for industrial settings, ORing has established itself as a trusted partner for railway applications globally. While the company has been serving the US market, it is now poised to expand its footprint in the country's railway industry, capitalizing on its solutions that have been adopted in mission-critical railway projects across multiple regions, including China, the UK, Canada, Malaysia, Sudan, Belgium, Slovakia, and the US itself.

"Our success in major railway projects worldwide is a testament to the quality and reliability of our solutions," said Angus Shih, CEO at ORing Industrial Networking. "Engineered to deliver uncompromising reliability, high performance, and ruggedness, our products ensure seamless and secure connectivity in even the most demanding railway environments."

ORing's comprehensive portfolio of railway solutions includes Ethernet switches, Ethernet routers, and wireless routers, addressing the varied networking requirements of contemporary rail systems. These products meet stringent railway standards such as EN50155, EN50121-4, and EN45545, ensuring compliance and operational safety. Designed with industrial-grade features, ORing's railway solutions feature M12 connectors, wide operating temperature ranges, hardware bypass functionality, and PoE capabilities, facilitating seamless integration and dependable performance in demanding railway environments. In response to rising cyber threats, ORing's railway solutions also incorporate cybersecurity features.

With a dedicated team of experts and a customer-centric approach, ORing Industrial Networking is well-positioned to support the growing connectivity demands of the US railway industry, empowering operators to elevate their operational excellence and passenger experience.

CONTACT: Queena Guan, queenaguan@oringnet.com

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