
Three videos depicting Chengdu's beautiful scenery released during the International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu


CHENGDU, China, May 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from Xinhua: With the opening of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu, a series of short videos integrating Chengdu's beautiful scenery with ancient poetry has stirred discussions on social media platforms. Netizens have expressed their longing for Chengdu's beauty. This series, titled "Chengdu in Poetry," consists of 3 episodes, featuring in-depth creations based on three ancient Chinese poems describing Chengdu: "Happy rain on a Spring Night ," "Quatrains," and "On the Flowery Tower in the Town of Silk."

It incorporates well-known cultural landscapes of Chengdu such as Wuhou Shrine, Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum, Anshun Bridge, Huanglongxi Ancient Town, Xiling Snow Mountain, and Sancha Lake. In the videos, the charm of ancient poetry blends with Chengdu's picturesque scenery, immersing the audience in a world full of poetry and romance. Netizens have left comments expressing their longing for Chengdu and their desire to personally experience this land full of cultural heritage and beautiful scenery.

Chengdu, China, is a historical and cultural ancient city with a civilization history of more than 4,500 years and a city-building history of more than 2,300 years. It has long been known as the "Land of Abundance" and has nurtured Jinsha Civilization, poetry culture, and more over thousands of years, serving as the homeland of giant pandas. From ancient times to the present, Chengdu has attracted many literatus and scholars, who have written countless famous poems and verses about Chengdu, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.

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