
ThroughPut.AI unveils new innovative AI-powered Inventory Capabilities to rapidly accelerate Profitability


Revolutionary AI-based Supply Chain Decision Intelligence platform launches new features and capabilities focused on Working Capital to drive profitable Omnichannel Fulfillment

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ThroughPut Inc., the Industrial AI Supply Chain Decision Intelligence pioneer as recognized by Gartner, today announced the launch of new inventory management capabilities that enable businesses to optimize working capital and improve profitability through dynamic management of safety stock and cost-effective omnichannel order fulfillment.

The current release enables organizations to proactively analyze working capital spend by project, offering insights into where the customer's expenditure surpasses or falls below optimal spend predictions and recommendations. With these new capabilities, businesses now have unparalleled actionability and visibility over inventory across locations, silos, material movement, cash flows and systems. Thus enabling clients to ensure rapid availability of fast-moving inventory, reduce safety stock and carrying costs, and increase inventory turns. By leveraging ThroughPut's patented AI and Machine Learning algorithms, C-suite executives, Owners, Investors and PE Funds can rapidly identify areas where capital is tied-up unnecessarily, or where insufficient funds are allocated, enabling them to optimize their cash flow and maximize profitability within days versus months or years.

"ThroughPut.AI's inventory profitability improvement capabilities show our customers their current spend, excess working capital total, over- and under-spend totals by product, geolocation, customer end-points, and the resulting overlap," said Seth Page, Chief Operations Officer and Head of Strategic Partnerships at ThroughPut Inc. "With real-time prioritized displays of net change in spend, businesses can clearly visualize and quantify the impact of the status quo, versus that of ThroughPut.AI's recommended improvements. Thus, they can balance optimal buffer stock, customize safety stock, and maximize inventory ROI across locations and sales channels, driving better customer experiences without running the risk of stockouts, starveouts, or overstocking."

Select new features of this release include:

Optimal Spend Recommendations: Provides recommendations for optimal working capital spend based on demand forecasts, lead times, and other relevant factors. By comparing actual expenditure against these recommendations, businesses gain visibility into areas where capital can be reallocated or reduced.

Strategic Replenishment Strategies: Actionable insights to dynamically assess and optimize working capital spend based on working capital spend thresholds. This helps businesses to minimize expenditure and drive efficiency by modifying the timing, size, and destination of replenishment orders.

Cost Reduction and Waste Elimination: By rapidly detecting costly and wasteful moves within the supply chain, businesses can consolidate orders, optimize inventory holding locations, or implement different levels of just-in-time practices while optimizing working capital utilization. This helps businesses to streamline operations by reducing inefficiencies and minimizing unnecessary expenditures.

ThroughPut.AI empowers leading businesses and organizations across the globe to drive continued growth in increasingly volatile market conditions by minimizing demand and supply variance. ThroughPut's AI-powered Supply Chain software and patented technologies leverage Industrial AI and data to provide unprecedented supply chain visibility, predictions, recommendations and actionability to help businesses balance their operations by effectively managing demand, capacity, working capital, and customer experience systematically.

PR Contact
Tina Jacobs

About ThroughPut Inc

ThroughPut.AI is a Silicon Valley-based Supply Chain AI-powered Decision Intelligence leader that puts Industrial material flow on Autopilot by leveraging existing Enterprise Data to achieve superior Business, Operations, Financial and Sustainability Results. ThroughPut improves material flow and free-cash-flow across the entire end-to-end value chain far faster than leading contemporary and legacy solutions. The founding team is led by seasoned serial entrepreneurs with real-world AI, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Transportation and Operational experience, from the shop-floor to the top-floor, at leading Fortune 500 Industrial Companies & pioneering Enterprise Technology companies.

To learn more about ThroughPut Inc, visit our website today.

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