
JETOUR Hosted Engaging International Media Tour & Test Drive with Global Attendees


BEIJING, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- JETOUR, the fastest-growing, cutting-edge SUV brand from China, recently conducted a captivating International Media Tour & New Model Test Drive event under the banner  "Enjoy The Journey, Embrace The World," as part of the activities at Beijing Auto Show. Esteemed media representatives engaged in an array of activities, from testing the latest JETOUR models to participating in rich cultural exchanges,a true 'Travel+ ' experience backed by JETOUR's strong capabilities and innovations, as well as the spirit of exploration.

Global media representatives experienced JETOUR』s latest SUV models in Beijing
Global media representatives experienced JETOUR』s latest SUV models in Beijing

Over 40 media from across the globe gathered for an exclusive first-hand experience with JETOUR's latest SUV models. The test drive offered a comprehensive driving experience with a variety of challenges, including dynamic straight-line and S-curve road tests, as well as an off-road segment.

Test drivers praised the vehicle for its personality and striking appearance. "The T2 is a remarkable blend of elegance and ruggedness," acclaimed the Egyptian media, after his test drive experience. "Driving the T2 feels like navigating through narratives of adventure and sophistication, I'm definitely looking forward to its launch in our country. "

The T2 has made a remarkable impact in the market, quickly becoming a top seller by leading the light off-road segment in China for six consecutive months and claiming the number one spot in the Middle Eastern market in the first quarter of 2024.

The hybrid T2 PHEV stood out with its spacious interior and high energy efficiency, providing an exceptional driving experience, highlighting features such as promised zero fuel consumption for a   whole week commutes with its high power capacity, reinforced safety features, and full-speed range capabilities offering quick acceleration, steady mid-speed cruising, and fuel-efficient high-speed performance. Freshly launched in China during the auto show, the anticipation is high for its overseas release slated for the fourth quarter. The T2 PHEV promises to meet the demands of those looking for an adventurous, yet eco-friendly SUV experience.

In addition to test drives, the event offered a rest area with a touch of tradition, featuring workshops on Chinese arts like fan painting, allowing guests to craft memorable souvenirs. The experience was rounded off with a stroll through Beijing's iconic Qianmen Street, where participants enjoyed local treats and glimpsed the city's rich heritage.

JETOUR is unwavering in its quest to deliver a travel experience that is not only safer, more comfortable, and intelligent but also conducive to a healthier lifestyle. The test drives illuminated the vehicles' adaptability and state-of-the-art smart features, demonstrating why JETOUR stands as the incomparable companion for contemporary explorers.

The event not only showcased JETOUR's commitment to innovation and superior SUV craftsmanship but also highlighted the brand's dedication to cultural appreciation and the 'Travel+' lifestyle it promotes. "Enjoy The Journey, Embrace The World" was more than a theme; it was a lived experience that brought together the excitement of discovery and the pleasure of travel.

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